数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
The Taskmaster-2 dataset consists of 17,289 dialogs in the seven domains below. Dialogs for each domain can be found in the seven json files located in this directory's "data" folder, i.e. Taskmaster/TM-2-2-20/data/.
- restaurants (3276)
- food ordering (1050)
- movies (3047)
- hotels (2355)
- flights (2481)
- music (1602)
- sports (3478)
Data Collection
Unlike Taskmaster-1, which includes both written "self-dialogs" and spoken two-person dialogs, Taskmaster-2 consists entirely of spoken two-person dialogs. In addition, while Taskmaster-1 is almost exclusively task-based, Taskmaster-2 contains a good number of search- and recommendation-oriented dialogs, as seen for example in the restaurants, flights, hotels, and movies verticals. The music browsing and sports conversations are almost exclusively search- and recommendation-based. All dialogs in this release were created using a Wizard of Oz (WOz) methodology in which crowdsourced workers played the role of a 'user' and trained call center operators played the role of the 'assistant'. In this way, users were led to believe they were interacting with an automated system that ¡°spoke¡± using text-to-speech (TTS) even though it was in fact a human behind the scenes. As a result, users could express themselves however they chose in the context of an automated interface.
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