数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
TheSimpleQuestions, a dataset collected for research in automatic question answering with human generated questions. Details and baseline results on this dataset can be found in the paper:
Antoine Bordes, Nicolas Usunier, Sumit Chopra and Jason Weston. Large-Scale Simple Question answering with Memory Networks, arXiv:1506.02075.
The dataset consists of a total of 108,442 questions written in natural language by human English-speaking annotators each paired with a corresponding fact, formatted as (subject, relationship, object), that provides the answer but also a complete explanation. Facts have been extracted from the Knowledge Base Freebase. We randomly shuffle these questions and use 70% of them (75910) as training set, 10% as validation set (10845), and the remaining 20% as test set.
Here are some examples of questions and facts:
* What American cartoonist is the creator of Andy Lippincott?
Fact: (andy_lippincott, character_created_by, garry_trudeau)
* Which forest is Fires Creek in?
Fact: (fires_creek, containedby, nantahala_national_forest)
* What does Jimmy Neutron do?
Fact: (jimmy_neutron, fictional_character_occupation, inventor)
* What dietary restriction is incompatible with kimchi?
Fact: (kimchi, incompatible_with_dietary_restrictions, veganism)
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