数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
The dataset is constructed from images of defected electrical commutators that were provided and annotated by Kolektor Group d.o.o.. Specifically, microscopic fractions or cracks were observed on the surface of the plastic embedding in electrical commutators. The surface area of each commutator was captured in eight non-overlapping images. The images were captured in a controlled environment.
The dataset consists of:
50 physical items (defected electrical commutators)
8 surfaces per item
Altogether 399 images:
- 52 images of visible defect
- 347 images without any defect
Original images of sizes:
- width: 500 px
- height: from 1240 to 1270 px
For training and evaluation images should be resized to 512 x 1408 px
For each item the defect is only visible in at least one image, while two items have defects on two images, which means there were 52 images where the defects are visible. The remaining 347 images serve as negative examples with non-defective surfaces.
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