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Documentation: https://rajanand.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DATASET/pages/1310740/Crime+in+India
This dataset contains complete information about various aspects of crimes happened in India from 2001. There are many factors that can be analysed from this dataset. Over all, I hope this dataset helps us to understand better about India.
01. I : Cases Reported and their Disposal by Police and Court
1. Indian Penal Code
2. Special & Local Laws
02. IA : SC/ST Cases Reported and their Disposal by Police and Court
1. Crime against SCs
2. Crime against STs
03. IB : Children Cases Reported and their Disposal by Police and Court
1. Abetment of Suicide (Section 305 IPC)
1. Buying of Girls for Prostitution (Section 373 IPC)
1. Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929
1. Exposure and Abandonment (Section 317 IPC)
1. Foeticide (Section 315 and 316 IPC)
1. Infanticide (Section 315 IPC)
1. Kidnapping & Abduction (Section 360,361,363,363-A, 363 read with Section 384, 366, 367 & 369 IPC)
1. Murder (Section 302, 315 IPC)
1. Other Crimes against Children
1. Other Murder of Children (Section 302 IPC)
1. Procuration of Minor Girls (Section 366-A IPC)
1. Rape (Section 376 IPC)
1. Selling of Girls for Prostitution (Section 372 IPC)
1. Total Crimes against Children
04. II : Persons Arrested and their Disposal by Police and Court
1. Indian Penal Code
1. Special and Local Laws
05. IIA : SC/ST Persons Arrested and their Disposal by Police and Court
1. Crime against SCs
1. Crime against STs
06. IIB : Children Persons Arrested and their Disposal by Police and Court
1. Abetment of suicide (Section 305 IPC)
1. Buying of girls for prostitution (Section 373 IPC)
1. Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929
1. Exposure and Abandonment (Section 317 IPC)
1. Foeticide (Section 315 and 316 IPC)
1. Kidnapping & Abduction (Section 360,361,363,363-A, 366, 367 & 369 IPC)
1. Murder - Infanticide (Section 315 IPC)
1. Murder - Other Murder of Children
1. Murder (Section 302, 315 IPC)
1. Other Crimes against Children
1. Procuration of minor girls (Section 366-A IPC)
1. Rape (Section 376 IPC)
1. Selling of girls for prostitution (Section 372 IPC)
1. Total Crimes against Children
07. IV : Persons Arrested by Sex and Age Group
1. Indian Penal Code
1. Special & Local Laws
08. V : Juveniles Apprehended
1. Indian Penal Code
1. Special & Local Laws
09. VI : Juveniles Arrested and their Disposal
10. VII : Property Stolen & Recovered (Crime Head)
1. Dacoity
1. Robbery
1. Burglary
1. Theft
1. Criminal Breach of Trust
1. Other Property
1. Total Property Stolen & Recovered
11. VIII : Property Stolen & Recovered (Nature of Property)
1. Communation and Electricity Wire
2. Cattle
3. Cycle
4. Motor Vehicles
- Motor Vehicles - Motor Cycle/Scooters
- Motor Vehicles - Motor Car/Taxi/Jeep
- Motor Vehicles - Other Motor Vehicles
5. Fire Arms
6. Explosives/Explosive Substances
7. Electronic Components
8. Cultural Property including Antiques
9. Other kinds of Property
10. Total Property Stolen & Recovered
12. IX : Police Strength (Actual & Sanctioned)
1. A) Actual Civil Police (Incl. District Armed Police and Women Police)
1. A) Acual Armed Police (Incl. Women Police)
1. A) Actual Police Strength (Incl. Women)
1. B) Acual Women Civil Police (Incl. District Armed Force)
1. B) Actual Women Armed Police
1. B) Actual Women Police Strength
1. C) Sanctioned Civil Police (Incl. District Armed Police)
1. C) Santioned Armed Police (Incl. Women Police)
1. C) Santioned Police Strength (Incl. Women)
1. D) Sanctioned Women Civil Police (Incl. District Armed Police)
1. D) Sanctioned Women Armed Police
1. D) Sanctioned Women Police Strength
13. X : Police Personnel Killed or Injured on duty
1. Constables
2. Head Constables
3. Assistant Sub-Inspectos
4. Sub-Inspectors
5. Inspectors
6. Gazetted Officers
7. Total Police Killed or Injured
14. X-B : Age Profile of Police Personnel Killed on Duty
15. X-C : Natural Deaths and Suicides of Police Personnel
1. Natural Deaths of Police Personnel (while in service)
2. Police Personnel Committed Suicide
16. XI : Casualties under Police Firing and LathiCharge
1. Riot Control
2. Anti Dacoity Operations
3. Against Extremists & Terrorists
4. Against Others
5. Total Casualties
17. XII : Cases Reported Value of Property Stolen under Dacoity, Robbery, Burglary and Theft by Place of Occurance
1. Residential Premises
2. Highways
3. River and Sea
4. Railways
4.1 In Running Trains
4.2 Others
5. Banks
6. Commercial Establishments (Shops etc.)
7. Other Places
8. Total
18. XIII : Particulars of Juveniles Arrested
1. Education
2. Economic Setup
3. Family Background
4. Recidivism
19. XIV : Motive/Cause of Murder and Culpable Homicide not Amounting to Murder
20. XV : Victims of Rape(Age Group-wise)
1. Incest Rape Cases
2. Other Rape Cases (Otherthan Incest)
3. Total Rape Cases
21. XV-A : Rape Offenders relation, nearness to Rape Victims
22. XVI : Persons Arrested under Recidivism
23. XVII : Anti Corruption - Cases
24. XVIII : Anti Corruption - Arrests
25. XIX : Complaints/Cases Against Police Personnel
1. Complaints Received/Cases Registered
2. Police Personnel Involved/Action Taken
3. Departmental Action/Punishments
26. *XX : Police Budget and Infrastructure
1. Equipments and Transport Support
2. Distribution of Police Stations by Crime Incidences
3. Distribution of Police Stations by Police Strength
4. Organisational Set Up
5. SCs/STs and Muslims in Police Force (Actual)
27. XXI : 1. Nature of Complaints Received by Police
28. XXI : 2. Trial of Violent Crimes by Courts
01. Murder
02. Attempt to Murder
03. C H Not Amounting to Murder
04. Rape
05. Kidnapping & Abduction
5.1 Kidnapping & Abduction of Women & Girls
5.2 Kidnapping & Abduction of Others
06. Dacoity
07. Preparation & Assembly for Dacoity
08. Robbery
09. Riots
10. Arson
11. Dowry Deaths
12. Total Trials (Sum of 1-11 Above)
29. XXI : 3. Period of Trials by Courts
1. District/Session Judge
2. Additional Session Judge
3. Chief Judicial Magistrate
4. Judicial Magistrate (I)
5. Judicial Magistrate (II)
6. Special Judicial Magistrate
7. Other courts
8. Total Trials (Sum of 1-7 Above)
30. XXI : 4.1 Autho Theft (Stolen & Recovered)
1. Motor Cycles/ Scooters
2. Motor Car/Taxi/Jeep
3. Buses
4. Goods carrying vehicles (Trucks/Tempo etc)
5. Other Motor vehicles
6. Total (Sum of 1-5 Above)
31. XXI : 4.2 Serious Fraud
1. Criminal Breach of Trust
2. Cheating
32. XXI : 5.1 Victims of Murder (Age & Sex-Wise)
1. Male Victims
2. Female Victims
3. Total
33. XXI : 5.2 Victims of CH not Amounting to Murder (Age & Sex-wise)
1. Male Victims
2. Female Victims
3. Total
34. XXI : 5.3 Use of FireArms in Murder Cases
35. XXI : 6. Human Rights Violation by Police
01. Disappearance of Persons
02. Illegal Detention/Arrests
03. Fake Encounter Killings
04. Violation Against Terrorists/Extremists
05. Extortion
06. Torture
07. False Implication
08. Failure in Taking Action
09. Indignity to Women
10. Atrocities on SC/ST
11. Others
12. Total (Sum of 1-11 Above)
36. XXI : 7. Police Housing
1. For Officers (Dy.SP & Above)
2. Upper SubOrdinates (ASI to Inspectos)
3. Lower SubOrdinates (Constables, Head Constables & Class-IV Subordinate Staff)
37. XXI : 8. Home Guards and Auxilliary force
38. XXI : 9. Unidentified Deadbodies Recovered & Inquest conducted
39. XXI : 10. Victims of Kidnapping & Abduction for Specific Purpose
01. For Adoption
02. For Begging
03. for Camel Racing
04. For Illicit Intercourse
05. For Marriage
06. For Prostitution
07. For Ransom
08. For Revenge
09. For Sale
10. For Selling Bodyparts
11. For Slavery
12. For Unlawful Activity
13. Other Purposes
14. Total (Sum of 1-13 Above)
40. XXI : 11. Custodial Deaths
1. Deaths in Custody/Lockup of Persons Remanded to Police Custody by Court
2. Deaths in Custody/Lockup of Person
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