数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Example images from the NEOCR dataset. Note that the dataset also includes images with text in different languages, text with vertical character arrangement, light text on dark and dark text on light background, occlusion, good and bad contrast..
metadata and Ground Truth Data
The annotation was created manually by an adaptation of the LabelMe annotation tool. All text visible and recognizable by humans has been annotated for all images. The annotation is provided in XML, the schema of LabelMe was extended to our needs. The extended XMLschema is also provided as part of the dataset. metadata is provided globally and locally.
Example of different text characteristics present in images of the NEOCR dataset, along with ground truth bounding boxes and distortion quadrangles.
Global image metadata includes the filename, folder, source information, image width, height, depth, brightness and contrast. Textfield (local, bounding box) metadata contains the visible text and optical, geometrical and typographical characteristics. Bounding boxes are rectangular and parallel to the axes. Additionally distortion quadrangles are provided which enclose the visible text more precisely.
The LabelMe interface used for ground truthing.
Optical characteristics include texture, brightness, contrast, inversion, resolution, noise and blur information. Texture, noise and inversion were annotated manually, the rest was computed automatically using ImageMagick. Geometrical characteristics cover distortion, rotation, character arrangement and occlusion information. Typographical characteristics contain typeface and language metadata. Please see the CBDAR paper [1], the technical report [2] or the metadata documentation for further details on the metadata.
Related Tasks
R. Nagy, A. Dicker and K. Meyer‐Wegener, "NEOCR: A Configurable Dataset for Natural Image Text Recognition". In CBDAR Workshop 2011 at ICDAR 2011. pp. 53‐58, September 2011. (PDF), (Presentation)
R. Nagy, A. Dicker, and K. Meyer‐Wegener, "Definition and evaluation of the NEOCR Dataset for Natural‐Image Text Recognition". University of Erlangen, Dept. of Computer Science, Technical Reports, CS‐2011‐07, September 2011. (PDF)
Submitted Files
By downloading and using the dataset you agree to acknowledge it's source and cite the above papers in related publications. Please link to the authors' Web page of the set as http://www6.cs.fau.de/neocr.
Contact Author
Robert Nagy University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Chair for Computer Science 6 (Data Management) Matrensstr. 3 D-91058 Erlangen Germany Email: robert[dot]nagy [at] cs[dot]fau[dot]de
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