数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
The Salzburg Texture Image Database (STex) is a large collection of 476 color texture image that have been captured around Salzburg, Austria. The images have been selected to be used in texture retrieval experiments and are fairly homogeneous. STex is significantly larger than the VisTex texture image database and more homogeneous than databases proposed for texture classification research (Outex, ALOT).
Some example texture images:
STex is available in three different packages:
stex-1024.zip containing 476 1024x1024 color images cropped from the captured images.
stex-512.zip containing 476 512x512 color images downsampled from the 1024x1024 images.
stex-512-splitted.zip containing 7616 128x128 color images obtained by splitting the 512x512 images into 16 non-overlapping tiles.
Each image is named category.n.pnm
where category
provides a rough categorization of the image (e.g. Wood, Rubber, Food, Misc, etc.) and n
(n >= 0) is a running number within the category. Splitted images are named category.n.m.pnm
where m
(1 <= m <= 16) indicated the m-th tile of the image. Example: Bark.0012.pnm
is the 12th bark imageBark.0012.09.pnm
is the 9th tile of the 12th bark image
The images themselves are stored in uncompressed, raw Netpbm format (.pnm).
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
We like to thank the following contributors: Heinz Hofbauer, Stefan Huber.
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