数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
重要提示:我们在“留一科目”测试中的表现较低。我们建立的性能基线指标用于 10 倍交叉验证测试。因此,在独立于主题的测试中有更多的优化空间。如果您需要更多信息,请给我们发送电子邮件。
许可:您可以出于任何目的自由使用此数据集。该数据集是根据知识共享许可 (CC BY-SA) 获得许可的。 CC BY-SA 许可意味着即使出于商业目的,您也可以重新混合、调整和构建此作品,只要您注明原始作品的作者并根据我们向您授予许可的相同条款许可您的新作品。此许可证通常与“copyleft”免费和开源软件许可证进行比较。所有基于此数据集的新作品都将带有相同的许可证,因此任何衍生产品也将允许商业使用。
Attribute Information:
user (text)
gender (text)
age (integer)
how_tall_in_meters (real)
weight (int)
body_mass_index (real)
x1 (type int, contains the read value of the axis 'x' of the 1st accelerometer, mounted on waist)
y1 (type int, contains the read value of the axis 'y' of the 1st accelerometer, mounted on waist)
z1 (type int, contains the read value of the axis 'z' of the 1st accelerometer, mounted on waist)
x2 (type int, contains the read value of the axis 'x' of the 2nd accelerometer, mounted on the left thigh)
y2 (type int, contains the read value of the axis 'y' of the 2nd accelerometer, mounted on the left thigh)
z2 (type int, contains the read value of the axis 'z' of the 2nd accelerometer, mounted on the left thigh)
x3 (type int, contains the read value of the axis 'x' of the 3rd accelerometer, mounted on the right ankle)
y3 (type int, contains the read value of the axis 'y' of the 3rd accelerometer, mounted on the right ankle)
z3 (type int, contains the read value of the axis 'z' of the 3rd accelerometer, mounted on the right ankle)
x4 (type int, contains the read value of the axis 'x' of the 4th accelerometer, mounted on the right upper-arm)
y4 (type int, contains the read value of the axis 'y' of the 4th accelerometer, mounted on the right upper-arm)
z4 (type int, contains the read value of the axis 'z' of the 4th accelerometer, mounted on the right upper-arm)
Relevant Papers:
Ugulino, W.; Cardador, D.; Vega, K.; Velloso, E.;
Milidiu, R.; Fuks, H. Wearable Computing: Accelerometers' Data
Classification of Body Postures and Movements. Proceedings of 21st
Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence. Advances in Artificial
Intelligence - SBIA 2012. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science. , pp.
52-61. Curitiba, PR: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2012. ISBN
978-3-642-34458-9. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-34459-6_6.
Available at: [Web link]
Citation Request:
If you use this dataset, please cite the paper above (Wearable Computing: Accelerometers' Data Classification of Body Postures and Movements). We can also provide more information if you need, just drop us a line (wugulino 'at' inf 'dot' puc-rio 'dot' br).
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