数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
MAGICDATA Mandarin Chinese Read Speech Corpus was developed by MAGIC DATA Technology Co., Ltd. and freely published for non-commercial use.
The contents and the corresponding descriptions of the corpus include:
The corpus contains 755 hours of speech data, which is mostly mobile recorded data.
1080 speakers from different accent areas in China are invited to participate in the recording.
The sentence transcription accuracy is higher than 98%.
Recordings are conducted in a quiet indoor environment.
The database is divided into training set, validation set, and testing set in a ratio of 51: 1: 2.
Detail information such as speech data coding and speaker information is preserved in the metadata file.
The domain of recording texts is diversified, including interactive Q&A, music search, SNS messages, home command and control, etc.
Segmented transcripts are also provided.
The corpus aims to support researchers in speech recognition, machine translation, speaker recognition, and other speech-related fields. Therefore, the corpus is totally free for academic use.
The corpus is a subset of a much bigger data ( 10566.9 hours Chinese Mandarin Speech Corpus ) set which was recorded in the same environment. Please feel free to contact us via business@magicdatatech.com for more details.
Please cite the corpus as "Magic Data Technology Co., Ltd., "http://www.imagicdatatech.com/index.php/home/dataopensource/data_info/id/101", 05/2019".
about us
Magic Data Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as Magic Data) was established in 2016. Through our higher-expertise and higher-precision data services, Magic Data has quickly grown into one of the foremost companies in artificial intelligence industry. We strive to provide the most efficient and highest quality one-stop data services for customers in the fields of speech recognition, intelligent imaging and Natural Language Understanding (NLU). Our services include data scheme design, data collection, data annotation/transcription, etc.
Tel: (+86) 10-82527250
Email: business@magicdatatech.com
External URL: http://www.imagicdatatech.com/index.php/home/dataopensource/data_info/id/101 Full description from the company website
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