数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
I contribute my personal voice as a person believing in a world where all people are equal. No matter of gender, sexual orientation, religion, skin color and geocoordinates of birth location. A global world where everybody is warmly welcome on any place on this planet and open and free knowledge and education is available to everyone.
(Thorsten Müller, 2021)
tl;dr Please don't use for evil!
Emotional dataset details:
recordings from male single-speaker native german speaker (Thorsten Müller)
audio optimized (Dominik Kreutz)
300 identical phrases recorded in 8 DIFFERENT EMOTIONS = 2.400 recordings = 175 minutes audio material
ljspeech-1.1 directory structure
samplerate 22.050Hz
normalized to -24dB
phrase length 59 - 148 chars
no silence at beginning/ending
Recording length (300 identical phrases) for each emotion
"neutral" (19 minutes)
"amused" (18 minutes)
"angry" (20 minutes)
"disgusted" (23 minutes)
"sleepy" (30 minutes)
"surprised" (18 minutes)
"drunk", recorded sober without being drunk, just pronounced it that way :-) (25 minutes)
"whispering" (22 minutes)
Additional links
Please keep in mind that a am no professional speaker or voice actor. I'm just a guy sharing his voice.
External URL: https://github.com/thorstenMueller/deep-learning-german-tts/ Thorsten - Open German Voice Dataset
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