数据结构 ? 43.7M
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
about this resource:
Volume(full set): ~0.6(~57) hours, ~800(~70,000) utterances, ~500(~1500) speakers
Format: 16kHz, 16-bit, mono
Device: Android phones
The Nonverbal Vocalization Dataset is a human nonverbal vocal sound dataset
crowdsourced by the general public in South Korea. Also, the dataset
includes metadata such as age, sex, noise level, and quality of
16 classes of Included human nonverbal sound contain 'teeth-chattering',
teeth-grinding', 'tongue-clicking', 'nose-blowing', 'coughing',
'yawning', 'throat clearing', 'sighing', 'lip-popping', 'lip-smacking',
'panting', 'crying', 'laughing', 'sneezing', 'moaning', and 'screaming'.
The dataset is a subset(approximately 1%) of a much bigger dataset
which were recorded under the same environment as this public dataset.
Please visit our website Deeply Inc., GitHub, or contact us for more details and access to the full set of the dataset with commercial license.
Deeply makes products that anyone can use with audio AI technology and makes people's lives happier with those products. For more products and services, please visit Deeply Inc..
Nonverbal_Vocalization.json {"teeth-chattering": {"87LX_0_6_0_19_0_0_0.wav": {"label": 0, "speakerID": "87LX", "age": 19, "sex": 0, "location": 0, "quality": 0, "noise": 0}, ... } ... ... }label : {0: 'teeth-chattering', 1: 'teeth-grinding', 2: 'tongue-clicking', 3: 'nose-blowing', 4: 'coughing', 5: 'yawning', 6: 'throat-clearing', 7: 'sighing', 8: 'lip-popping', 9: 'lip-smacking', 10: 'panting', 11: 'crying', 12: 'laughing', 13: 'sneezing', 14: 'moaning', 15: screaming'}Sex : {0: 'Female', 1: 'Male'}Location: {0: 'indoor', 1: 'outdoor'}Quality : {0: 'High', 1: 'Low'}Noise : {0: 'Noiseless', 1: 'Noisy'}
You can cite the data as follows:
@misc{deeply_nonverbal, title={{Deeply Nonverbal Vocalization dataset}}, author={Deeply Inc.}, year={2021}, url={https://github.com/deeplyinc/Nonverbal-Vocalization-Dataset} }
Tel: (+82) 70-7459-0704
Web: http://deeplyinc.com/
Email: contact@deeplyinc.com
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