数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Data Set Information:
Attribute Information:
Number of Attributes
-- sensor_readings_24.data: 24 numeric attributes and the class.
-- sensor_readings_4.data: 4 numeric attributes and the class.
-- sensor_readings_2.data: 2 numeric attributes and the class.
For Each Attribute:
-- File sensor_readings_24.data:
1. US1: ultrasound sensor at the front of the robot (reference angle: 180?°) - (numeric: real)
2. US2: ultrasound reading (reference angle: -165?°) - (numeric: real)
3. US3: ultrasound reading (reference angle: -150?°) - (numeric: real)
4. US4: ultrasound reading (reference angle: -135?°) - (numeric: real)
5. US5: ultrasound reading (reference angle: -120?°) - (numeric: real)
6. US6: ultrasound reading (reference angle: -105?°) - (numeric: real)
7. US7: ultrasound reading (reference angle: -90?°) - (numeric: real)
8. US8: ultrasound reading (reference angle: -75?°) - (numeric: real)
9. US9: ultrasound reading (reference angle: -60?°) - (numeric: real)
10. US10: ultrasound reading (reference angle: -45?°) - (numeric: real)
11. US11: ultrasound reading (reference angle: -30?°) - (numeric: real)
12. US12: ultrasound reading (reference angle: -15?°) - (numeric: real)
13. US13: reading of ultrasound sensor situated at the back of the robot (reference angle: 0?°) - (numeric: real)
14. US14: ultrasound reading (reference angle: 15?°) - (numeric: real)
15. US15: ultrasound reading (reference angle: 30?°) - (numeric: real)
16. US16: ultrasound reading (reference angle: 45?°) - (numeric: real)
17. US17: ultrasound reading (reference angle: 60?°) - (numeric: real)
18. US18: ultrasound reading (reference angle: 75?°) - (numeric: real)
19. US19: ultrasound reading (reference angle: 90?°) - (numeric: real)
20. US20: ultrasound reading (reference angle: 105?°) - (numeric: real)
21. US21: ultrasound reading (reference angle: 120?°) - (numeric: real)
22. US22: ultrasound reading (reference angle: 135?°) - (numeric: real)
23. US23: ultrasound reading (reference angle: 150?°) - (numeric: real)
24. US24: ultrasound reading (reference angle: 165?°) - (numeric: real)
25. Class:
-- Move-Forward
-- Slight-Right-Turn
-- Sharp-Right-Turn
-- Slight-Left-Turn
-- File sensor_readings_4.data:
1. SD_front: minimum sensor reading within a 60 degree arc located at the front of the robot - (numeric: real)
2. SD_left: minimum sensor reading within a 60 degree arc located at the left of the robot - (numeric: real)
3. SD_right: minimum sensor reading within a 60 degree arc located at the right of the robot - (numeric: real)
4. SD_back: minimum sensor reading within a 60 degree arc located at the back of the robot - (numeric: real)
5. Class:
-- Move-Forward
-- Slight-Right-Turn
-- Sharp-Right-Turn
-- Slight-Left-Turn
-- File sensor_readings_2.data:
1. SD_front: minimum sensor reading within a 60 degree arc located at the front of the robot - (numeric: real)
2. SD_left: minimum sensor reading within a 60 degree arc located at the left of the robot - (numeric: real)
3. Class:
-- Move-Forward
-- Slight-Right-Turn
-- Sharp-Right-Turn
-- Slight-Left-Turn
Relevant Papers:
Ananda L. Freire, Guilherme A. Barreto, Marcus Veloso and Antonio T. Varela (2009),
'Short-Term Memory Mechanisms in Neural Network Learning of Robot Navigation
Tasks: A Case Study'. Proceedings of the 6th Latin American Robotics Symposium (LARS'2009),
Valpara?-so-Chile, pages 1-6, DOI: 10.1109/LARS.2009.5418323
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Please refer to the Machine Learning Repository's citation policy
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