数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
N. A. Abdulla, naabdulla11 '@' cit.just.edu.jo
Data Set Information:
--- By using a tweet crawler, we collect 2000 labelled tweets (1000 positive tweets and 1000 negative ones)
on various topics such as: politics and arts. These tweets include opinions written in both
Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and the Jordanian dialect.
--- The selected tweets convey some kind of feelings (positive or negative) and the objective of our model is
to extract valuable information from such tweets in order to determine the sentiment orientation of the inputted text.
The months-long annotation process of the tweets is manually conducted mainly by two human experts
(native speakers of Arabic). If both experts agree on the label of a certain tweet, then the tweet is assigned this label.
Otherwise, a third expert is consulted to break the tie.
--- Predicted attribute: class of opinion polarity.
Attribute Information:
1. Tweet as a string vector
2. class:
-- Positive polarity
-- Negative poalrity
Summary Statistics:
Positive Negative
Total tweets 1000 1000
Total words 7189 9769
Avg. words in each tweet 7.19 9.97
Avg. characters in each tweet 40.04 59.02
Relevant Papers:
Abdulla N. A., Mahyoub N. A., Shehab M., Al-Ayyoub M.,a€?Arabic Sentiment Analysis: Corpus-based and Lexicon-baseda€?,IEEE conference on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing Technologies (AEECT 2013),December 3-12, 2013, Amman, Jordan. (Accepted for Publication).
Citation Request:
Please cite the above paper if you utilize the data set.
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