数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Creators: Marek Lubicz (1), Konrad Pawelczyk (2), Adam Rzechonek (2), Jerzy Kolodziej (2)
-- (1) Wroclaw University of Technology, wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370, Wroclaw, Poland
-- (2) Wroclaw Medical University, wybrzeze L. Pasteura 1, 50-367 Wroclaw, Poland
Donor: Maciej Zieba (maciej.zieba '@' pwr.wroc.pl), Jakub M. Tomczak (jakub.tomczak '@' pwr.wroc.pl), (+48) 71 320 44 53
Date: November, 2013
Data Set Information:
The data was collected retrospectively at Wroclaw Thoracic Surgery Centre for patients who underwent major lung resections for primary lung cancer in the years 2007a€“2011. The Centre is associated with the Department of Thoracic Surgery of the Medical University of Wroclaw and Lower-Silesian Centre for Pulmonary Diseases, Poland, while the research database constitutes a part of the National Lung Cancer Registry, administered by the Institute of Tuberculosis and Pulmonary Diseases in Warsaw, Poland.
Attribute Information:
1. DGN: Diagnosis - specific combination of ICD-10 codes for primary and secondary as well multiple tumours if any (DGN3,DGN2,DGN4,DGN6,DGN5,DGN8,DGN1)
2. PRE4: Forced vital capacity - FVC (numeric)
3. PRE5: Volume that has been exhaled at the end of the first second of forced expiration - FEV1 (numeric)
4. PRE6: Performance status - Zubrod scale (PRZ2,PRZ1,PRZ0)
5. PRE7: Pain before surgery (T,F)
6. PRE8: Haemoptysis before surgery (T,F)
7. PRE9: Dyspnoea before surgery (T,F)
8. PRE10: Cough before surgery (T,F)
9. PRE11: Weakness before surgery (T,F)
10. PRE14: T in clinical TNM - size of the original tumour, from OC11 (smallest) to OC14 (largest) (OC11,OC14,OC12,OC13)
11. PRE17: Type 2 DM - diabetes mellitus (T,F)
12. PRE19: MI up to 6 months (T,F)
13. PRE25: PAD - peripheral arterial diseases (T,F)
14. PRE30: Smoking (T,F)
15. PRE32: Asthma (T,F)
16. AGE: Age at surgery (numeric)
17. Risk1Y: 1 year survival period - (T)rue value if died (T,F)
Class Distribution: the class value (Risk1Y) is binary valued.
Risk1Y Value: Number of Instances:
T 70
N 400
Summary Statistics:
Binary Attributes Distribution:
PRE7 Value: Number of Instances:
T 31
N 439
PRE8 Value: Number of Instances:
T 68
N 402
PRE9 Value: Number of Instances:
T 31
N 439
PRE10 Value: Number of Instances:
T 323
N 147
PRE11 Value: Number of Instances:
T 78
N 392
PRE17 Value: Number of Instances:
T 35
N 435
PRE19 Value: Number of Instances:
T 2
N 468
PRE25 Value: Number of Instances:
T 8
N 462
PRE30 Value: Number of Instances:
T 386
N 84
PRE32 Value: Number of Instances:
T 368
N 2
Nominal Attributes Distribution:
DGN Value: Number of Instances:
DGN3 349
DGN2 52
DGN4 47
DGN6 4
DGN5 15
DGN8 2
DGN1 1
PRE6 Value: Number of Instances:
PRZ2 27
PRZ1 313
PRZ0 130
PRE14 Value: Number of Instances:
OC11 177
OC14 17
OC12 257
OC13 19
Numeric Attributes Statistics:
Min Max Mean SD
PRE4: 1.4 6.3 3.3 0.9
PRE5: 0.96 86.3 4.6 11.8
AGE: 21 87 52.5 8.7
Relevant Papers:
Zi??ba, M., Tomczak, J. M., Lubicz, M., & ??wi?…tek, J. (2013). Boosted SVM for extracting rules from imbalanced data in application to prediction of the post-operative life expectancy in the lung cancer patients. Applied Soft Computing. [Web link]
- Results:
-- Boosted SVM for for imbalanced data gained the Gmean value equal 0.657,
-- Decision rules induced using Boosted SVM as an oracle gained the Gmean value equal 0.648.
Citation Request:
Zi??ba, M., Tomczak, J. M., Lubicz, M., & ??wi?…tek, J. (2013). Boosted SVM for extracting rules from imbalanced data in application to prediction of the post-operative life expectancy in the lung cancer patients. Applied Soft Computing. [Web link]
title={Boosted SVM for extracting rules from imbalanced data in application to prediction of the post-operative life expectancy in the lung cancer patients},
author={Zi{k{e}}ba, Maciej and Tomczak, Jakub M and Lubicz, Marek and {'S}wi{k{a}}tek, Jerzy},
journal={Applied Soft Computing},
doi={[Web link]}
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