数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Iosune Uriz and Marta Domingo
Centre d'Estudis Abanc{c}ats de Blanes (CSIC)
Cami de Santa Barbara. Blanes (Girona). Spain
Javier B'ejar and Ulises Cort'es (bejar '@' lsi.upc.es)
Dept. Llenguatges i Sistemes Inform`atics;
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya. Barcelona; Spain
Data Set Information:
These are atlantic-mediterranean marine sponges that belong to O.Hadromerida (Demospongiae.Porifera).
Attribute Information:
27 attributes are non-numeric and nominal.
15 attributes are boolean and take the values (NO SI).
3 attributes are numeric and take natural numbers.
Relevant Papers:
Domingo, M. "Aplicaci'o de t`ecniques de I.A. (LINNEO) a la classificaci'o sistem`atica: O.Hadromerida (Demospongiae.Porifera). Master Thesis. Departament d'ecologia. Universitat de Barcelona.
Martin, M and Sanguesa, R. and Cor'es "Biasing induction with previous knowledge for knowledge acquisition in imprecise domains''. Les syst`emes experts et leus applications. Onzi'emes Journ'ees Internationales. Avignon'91. Vol 1. pp. 359-370. Avignon, France. 1991.
Martin, M. and Sanguesa, R. and Cort'es U. "Knowledge acquisition combining analytical and empirical techniques''. Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop of Machine Learning. ML 91. pp 657-661. Evanston, Illinois, USA 1991.
[Web link]
Bejar, J. and Cort'es, U. "LINNEO+: Herramienta para la adquisicion de conocimiento y generacion de reglas de clasificaci'on en dominios poco estructurados''. Proceedings del III Congreso Iberoamericano de Inteligencia Artificial. IBERAMIA 92. pp 471-482. La Habana (Cuba).
[Web link]
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Please refer to the Machine Learning Repository's citation policy
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