数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Dr. Francisco Zamora-Martinez, Pablo Romeu-Guallart, Dr. Juan Pardo.
francisco.zamora '@' uch.ceu.es
Embedded Systems and Artificial Intelligence (ESAI) research group
Dep. de Ciencias F?-sicas, Matem??ticas y de la Computaci?3n
Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera
Data Set Information:
The dataset could contain missing values. The data was sampled every minute, computing and uploading it smoothed with 15 minute means. The header of the data file is a commentary (begins with #) indicating which data is stored at which column (in Spanish). The data is time information is in UTC.
Attribute Information:
The attributes are:
1. Date: in UTC.
2. Time: in UTC.
3. Indoor temperature (dinning-room), in ?oC.
4. Indoor temperature (room), in ?oC.
5. Weather forecast temperature, in ?oC.
6. Carbon dioxide in ppm (dinning room).
7. Carbon dioxide in ppm (room).
8. Relative humidity (dinning room), in %.
9. Relative humidity (room), in %.
10. Lighting (dinning room), in Lux.
11. Lighting (room), in Lux.
12. Rain, the proportion of the last 15 minutes where rain was detected (a value in range [0,1]).
13. Sun dusk.
14. Wind, in m/s.
15. Sun light in west facade, in Lux.
16. Sun light in east facade, in Lux.
17. Sun light in south facade, in Lux.
18. Sun irradiance, in W/m2.
19. Enthalpic motor 1, 0 or 1 (on-off).
20. Enthalpic motor 2, 0 or 1 (on-off).
21. Enthalpic motor turbo, 0 or 1 (on-off).
22. Outdoor temperature, in ?oC.
23. Outdoor relative humidity, in %.
24. Day of the week (computed from the date), 1=Monday, 7=Sunday.
Relevant Papers:
Citation Request:
F. Zamora-Martínez, P. Romeu, P. Botella-Rocamora, J. Pardo, On-line learning of indoor temperature forecasting models towards energy efficiency, Energy and Buildings, Volume 83, November 2014, Pages 162-172, ISSN 0378-7788, [Web link].
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