数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Dimitrios Kotzias, dkotzias '@' ics.uci.edu, University of California Irvine
Data Set Information:
There are 7 datasets from Reddit, Twitter, Gowalla and Lastfm.
Each matrix contains how many times a user 'consumed' and item. Items can be locations, artists, or subreddits.
Details about each dataset are presented below. (In the parenthesis is the number of Users x Items)
tw_oc (13k x 11k): tweets with geolocation from Orange County CA area. Items are locations a user visits in this case.
tw_ny (30k x 11k): Same as tw_oc but from the New York area.
go_sf (2k x 7k): Check-ins from the app Gowalla, from the San Fransisco area. Full dataset here: [Web link]
go_ny (1k x 7k): Same as go_sf, but from the New York area.
lastfm (992 x 15k): How many times, a user listened to each artist. Covers 3 years of listening habbits, full dataset here: [Web link]a??ocelma/[Web link]
reddit_top (113k x 21k): How many times a user posted in a subreddit. These are the 130k most active users from 2015 and 20k most subscribed subreddits. This dataset is very large and can take a lot of time to load/use.
reddit_sample (20k x 21k): Same as reddit_top, but a sample of 20k users.
Attribute Information:
The attributes represent items (categories) that uses tend to select multiple times. These can be music artists, subreddits or locations on the map.
Relevant Papers:
Predicting Consumption Patterns with Repeated and Novel Events by Dimitrios Kotzias, Moshe Lichman and Padhraic Smyth.
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