数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Original Owner and Donor
Name: Prof. I-Cheng Yeh
Institutions: Department of Civil Engineering, Tamkang University, Taiwan.
Email: 140910 '@' mail.tku.edu.tw
TEL: 886-2-26215656 ext. 3181
Date Donated: Aug. 18, 2018
Data Set Information:
The market historical data set of real estate valuation are collected from Sindian Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan. The a€?real estate valuationa€? is a regression problem. The data set was randomly split into the training data set (2/3 samples) and the testing data set (1/3 samples).
Attribute Information:
The inputs are as follows
X1=the transaction date (for example, 2013.250=2013 March, 2013.500=2013 June, etc.)
X2=the house age (unit: year)
X3=the distance to the nearest MRT station (unit: meter)
X4=the number of convenience stores in the living circle on foot (integer)
X5=the geographic coordinate, latitude. (unit: degree)
X6=the geographic coordinate, longitude. (unit: degree)
The output is as follow
Y= house price of unit area (10000 New Taiwan Dollar/Ping, where Ping is a local unit, 1 Ping = 3.3 meter squared)
Relevant Papers:
Yeh, I. C., & Hsu, T. K. (2018). Building real estate valuation models with comparative approach through case-based reasoning. Applied Soft Computing, 65, 260-271.
Citation Request:
Yeh, I. C., & Hsu, T. K. (2018). Building real estate valuation models with comparative approach through case-based reasoning. Applied Soft Computing, 65, 260-271.
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