数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Source Information
-- Creator : Mr.A.Martin(jayamartin '@' yahoo.com)
Mr.J.Uthayakumar (uthayakumar17691 '@' gmail.com)
Mr.M.Nadarajan(nadaraj.muthuvel '@' gmail.com)
-- Guided By : Dr.V.Prasanna Venkatesan
-- Institution : Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College and Pondicherry University
-- Country : India
-- Date : February 2014
Data Set Information:
The parameters which we used for collecting the dataset is referred from the paper 'The discovery of expertsa€? decision rules from qualitative bankruptcy data using genetic algorithms' by Myoung-Jong Kim*, Ingoo Han.
Attribute Information:
Attribute Information: (P=Positive,A-Average,N-negative,B-Bankruptcy,NB-Non-Bankruptcy)
1. Industrial Risk: {P,A,N}
2. Management Risk: {P,A,N}
3. Financial Flexibility: {P,A,N}
4. Credibility: {P,A,N}
5. Competitiveness: {P,A,N}
6. Operating Risk: {P,A,N}
7. Class: {B,NB}
Relevant Papers:
The parameters which we used for collecting the dataset is referred from the paper 'The discovery of expertsa€? decision rules from qualitative bankruptcy data using genetic algorithms' by Myoung-Jong Kim*, Ingoo Han.
Citation Request:
Please refer to the Machine Learning Repository's citation policy
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