数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Data Set Information:
The classification task of this database is to determine where patients in a postoperative recovery area should be sent to next. Because hypothermia is a significant concern after surgery (Woolery, L. et. al. 1991), the attributes correspond roughly to body temperature measurements.
-- LERS (LEM2): 48% accuracy
Attribute Information:
1. L-CORE (patient's internal temperature in C):
high (> 37), mid (>= 36 and <= 37), low (< 36)
2. L-SURF (patient's surface temperature in C):
high (> 36.5), mid (>= 36.5 and <= 35), low (< 35)
3. L-O2 (oxygen saturation in %):
excellent (>= 98), good (>= 90 and < 98),
fair (>= 80 and < 90), poor (< 80)
4. L-BP (last measurement of blood pressure):
high (> 130/90), mid (
Relevant Papers:
A. Budihardjo, J. Grzymala-Busse, L. Woolery (1991). Program LERS_LB 2.5 as a tool for knowledge acquisition in nursing, Proceedings of the 4th Int. Conference on Industrial & Engineering Applications of AI & Expert Systems, pp. 735-740.
[Web link]
L. Woolery, J. Grzymala-Busse, S. Summers, A. Budihardjo (1991). The use of machine learning program LERS_LB 2.5 in knowledge acquisition for expert system development in nursing. Computers in Nursing 9, pp. 227-234.
Papers That Cite This Data Set1:
Petri Kontkanen and Jussi Lahtinen and Petri Myllym?ki and Henry Tirri. Unsupervised Bayesian visualization of high-dimensional data. KDD. 2000. [View Context].
Art B. Owen. Tubular neighbors for regression and classification. Stanford University. 1999. [View Context].
Glenn Fung and Sathyakama Sandilya and R. Bharat Rao. Rule extraction from Linear Support Vector Machines. Computer-Aided Diagnosis & Therapy, Siemens Medical Solutions, Inc. [View Context].
Citation Request:
Please refer to the Machine Learning Repository's citation policy
Sharon Summers, School of Nursing, University of Kansas
Medical Center, Kansas City, KS 66160
Linda Woolery, School of Nursing, University of Missouri,
Columbia, MO 65211
Jerzy W. Grzymala-Busse (jerzy '@' cs.ukans.edu) (913)864-4488
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