数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Data Set Information:
我们使用WACOM PL-100V压敏平板电脑,内置LCD显示屏和无绳手写笔。输入区和显示区位于同一位置。它连接到基于Intel 486的PC的串行端口,允许我们采集手写样本。平板电脑以100毫秒的固定时间间隔(采样率)发送$x$和$y$平板电脑坐标和笔的压力水平值。
Attribute Information:
All input attributes are integers in the range 0..100.
The last attribute is the class code 0..9
Relevant Papers:
F. Alimoglu (1996) Combining Multiple Classifiers for Pen-based Handwritten Digit Recognition, MSc Thesis, Institute of Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, Bogazici University. [Web link]
[Web link]
F. Alimoglu, E. Alpaydin, "Methods of Combining Multiple Classifiers based on Different Representations for Pen-based Handwriting Recognition," Proceedings of the Fifth Turkish Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Neural Networks Symposium (TAINN 96), June 1996, Istanbul, Turkey. [Web link]
[Web link]
Papers That Cite This Data Set1:
Ken Tang and Ponnuthurai N. Suganthan and Xi Yao and A. Kai Qin. Linear dimensionalityreduction using relevance weighted LDA. School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Nanyang Technological University. 2005. [View Context].
Mikhail Bilenko and Sugato Basu and Raymond J. Mooney. Integrating constraints and metric learning in semi-supervised clustering. ICML. 2004. [View Context].
Fabian Hoti and Lasse Holmstr?m. A semiparametric density estimation approach to pattern classification. Pattern Recognition, 37. 2004. [View Context].
Thomas Serafini and G. Zanghirati and Del Zanna and T. Serafini and Gaetano Zanghirati and Luca Zanni. DIPARTIMENTO DI MATEMATICA. Gradient Projection Methods for. 2003. [View Context].
Manoranjan Dash and Huan Liu and Peter Scheuermann and Kian-Lee Tan. Fast hierarchical clustering and its validation. Data Knowl. Eng, 44. 2003. [View Context].
Dennis DeCoste. Anytime Query-Tuned Kernel Machines via Cholesky Factorization. SDM. 2003. [View Context].
Greg Hamerly and Charles Elkan. Learning the k in k-means. NIPS. 2003. [View Context].
Marina Meila and Michael I. Jordan. Learning with Mixtures of Trees. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 1. 2000. [View Context].
Ethem Alpaydin. Combined 5 x 2 cv F Test for Comparing Supervised Classification Learning Algorithms. Neural Computation, 11. 1999. [View Context].
Georg Thimm and Emile Fiesler. IDIAP Technical report High Order and Multilayer Perceptron Initialization. IEEE Transactions. 1994. [View Context].
Perry Moerland. Mixtures of latent variable models for density estimation and classification. E S E A R C H R E P R O R T I D I A P D a l l e M o l l e
E. Alpaydin, Fevzi. Alimoglu
Department of Computer Engineering
Bogazici University, 80815 Istanbul Turkey
alpaydin '@' boun.edu.tr
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