数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Creators: Aleksey Vilkin and Ilia Safonov, NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia, Date: 2012
Data Set Information:
该数据集用于文本、图片和背景区域文档分类区域的机器学习算法的训练和验证。它包含101张俄文报纸和杂志的扫描图像。大多数图像的分辨率为300 dpi,大小为A4,约为2400x3500像素。对于所有图像,手动创建基于地面真实像素的遮罩。地面真相面具的命名类似于带有后缀的原始图像?。有三类:文本区、图片区、背景。遮罩上颜色为255、0、0(rgb,红色)的像素对应于图片区域,颜色为0、0、255(rgb,蓝色)的像素对应于文本区域,所有其他像素对应于背景。具有不同颜色背景的图像位于数据集中。
Attribute Information:
There are three classes: text area, picture area, background. Pixels on the mask with color 255, 0, 0 (rgb, red color) correspond to picture area, pixels with color 0, 0, 255 (rgb, blue color) correspond to text area, all other pixels correspond to background.
Relevant Papers:
A. M. Vilkin, I. V. Safonov, M. A. Egorova. Algorithm for segmentation of documents based on texture features // Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis March 2013, Volume 23, Issue 1, pp 153-159
Citation Request:
A. M. Vilkin, I. V. Safonov, M. A. Egorova. Algorithm for segmentation of documents based on texture features // Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis March 2013, Volume 23, Issue 1, pp 153-159
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