数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Shan-Hung Wu
Associate Professor, CS, National Tsing Hua University(NTHU)
Email: shwu [AT] cs.nthu.edu.tw
Data Set Information:
该数据集由台湾省国立清华大学的吴珊红和数据实验室成员收集。它从全国大学的图像数据库中随机抽取了180幅图像。每幅图像有500个特征,由基于SIFT描述的单词组成。在Amazon Mechanical Turk平台上进行了一系列实验,共有325个用户感知集群,来自100个用户及其相应的描述。
Dataset spec 1:
- #Image: 180
- #Cluster: 325 (may be created by different users)
- #User: 100
- |Vocabulary of supervision|: 108
- cluster_data.csv : 325 clusters x 180 images
- 'cluster_data.csv' is an indicator matrix. M_(i,j) = 1 if image_j belongs to cluster_i. Note: Clusters may be created by different users.
- cluster_userIndex.csv : 325 clusters x 1 userIndex(0-99)
- 'cluster_userIndex.csv' is an vector where V_i = k if cluster_i is grouped by user_k.
- data_feature.csv : 180 images x 500 features
- Each row is 500 features vector consisting of the bag of words based on SIFT descriptions. All 180 images are sampled from NUS-WIDE dataset.
- Reference: [Web link]
- supervision_cluster_matrix.csv : 108 bag of words x 183 clusters
- We parse the raw supervisions and merge similar words into 108 dimensions. Each row is a description of corresponding cluster.
- perception_words.csv : 108 perception words
- Vocabulary of perception words .
Dataset spec 2(Raw data):
- cluster_list.csv:
-FileName: ['UserId'], ['ImageId Cluster'], ['Description']
-['UserId']: Specify the user who created the cluster.
-['ImageId Cluster']: Image ids in the cluster which are separated by ';'.
-['Description']: A sentence or some keywords describe the images in the cluster by user.
- 325 records(clusters) in total.
Attribute Information:
As the above.
Relevant Papers:
Learning User Perceived Clusters with Feature-Level Supervision
Ting-Yu Cheng, ; Kuan-Hua Lin, ; Xinyang Gong, Baidu Inc.; Kang-Jun Liu, ; Shan-Hung Wu*, National Tsing Hua University
Citation Request:
Please include this citation if you use this dataset.
Learning User Perceived Clusters with Feature-Level Supervision
Ting-Yu Cheng, ; Kuan-Hua Lin, ; Xinyang Gong, Baidu Inc.; Kang-Jun Liu, ; Shan-Hung Wu*, National Tsing Hua University
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