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Engino??lu, S., Ay, M., ??a??man, N., Tolun, V. (2019). Classification of the Monolithic Columns Produced in Troad and Mysia Region Ancient Granite Quarries in Northwestern Anatolia via Soft Decision-Making. Bilge International Journal of Science and Technology Research, 3(Special Issue):21-34.
Data Set Information:
These data have been obtained from the qualitative mineralogical-petrographic and geochemical analyses results of three geological samples and eight archaeological samples considered with 19 attributes to clarify the distribution in Northwestern Anatolia of the monolithic columns produced in the ancient granite quarries located in Troad and Mysia Regions. The geological samples have been taken from Ko?§ali-Ak?§ake?§ili ancient quarries in Troad Region and Kozak ancient quarry in Mysia Region while the archaeological samples have been taken from Smintheion (Smintheion 1, Smintheion 2), Pergamon Red Hall/Serapeion, Smyrna Agora (Smyrna Agora 1, Smyrna Agora 2), Tlos Stadium, Tlos Theatre, and Side Theatre.
The studies in which the raw data is obtained was supported by the Office of Scientific Research Projects Coordination at ??anakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Grant number: SYL-2015-521.
The studies in which the raw data is processed was supported by the Office of Scientific Research Projects Coordination at Tokat Gaziosmanpa??a University, Grant numbers: 2009-72 and 2010/89.
Attribute Information:
The data have been composed of one matrix shown the geochemical analyses results of the eleven samples and of five matrices which are indicated their the qualitative mineralogical-petrographic analysis results for each of the five main components.
Relevant Papers:
Ay, M., Tolun, V. (2017b). An archaeometric approach on the distribution of Troadic granite columns in the Western Anatolian coasts. Journal of Archaeology & Art, 156, 119-130 (In Turkish).
Engino??lu, S., Erkan, U., Ay, M., Tolun, V. (2019). Analysis of the Monolithic Columns Produced in Troad and Mysia Region Ancient Granite Quarries in North-Western Anatolia via the Histograms of the Hand Specimen Images. In: Proceedings of ICONST EST 2019 International Conferences on Science and Technology Engineering Science and Technology, 26-30 August 2019, Prizren, Kosovo, pp 388-394.
Citation Request:
Engino??lu, S., Ay, M., ??a??man, N., Tolun, V. (2019). Classification of the Monolithic Columns Produced in Troad and Mysia Region Ancient Granite Quarries in Northwestern Anatolia via Soft Decision-Making. Bilge International Journal of Science and Technology Research, 3(Special Issue):21-34.
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