数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Jun Liu(liukeen '@' mail.xjtu.cn), Hao Chen(lechenhao '@' gmail.com) , Mengting Zhan, Jianhong Mi,Yanzhang Lv
MOEKLINNS Lab, Department of Computer Science ,Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Data Set Information:
Our dataset is used by us to explore spammers in microblog and you can access our demo system at
[Web link]
Please add :8080 after the domain name as port. The repository webpage fails to parse the weblink when it's added in the source. (under inspection)
Attribute Information:
weibo_user.csv has the following attributes:
-user_id: account ID in sina weibo;
-user_name: account nickname???
-gender:account registration gender including male??? female and other???
-class:account level given by sina weibo;
-message:account registration location or other personal information;
-post_num: the number of posts of this account up to now;
-follower_num: the number of followers of this account;
-followee_num: the number of followee of this account;
-follow ratio: followee_num/follower_num;
-is_spammer: manually annotated label, 1 means spammer and -1 means non-spammer;
user_post.csv has the following attributes:
-post_id:user post ID given by sina weibo;
-post_time:the time when a post is posted;
-poster_id: the user ID who posted this post;
-repost_num:the number of retweet by others;
-commnet_num: the number of comment by others;
followe-followee.csv has the following attributes:
-follower: the nickname of follower;
-follower_id: the user ID of follower;
-followee: the nickname of followee;
-followee_id: the user ID of followee;
post.csv is almost the as user_post.csv and the post in it are retrievalled by a certain key word related to a topic;
-content: the post text(mostly in Chinese, please set your Microsoft Office to make it readable)
Relevant Papers:
Citation Request:
Thanks to MOEKLINNS Lab[[Web link]] especially Spammer Detection Group for opening its data
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