数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Original data:
The original fortran data file is given in spectra-2.data. The file spectra-2.head contains information about the .data file contents and how to rescale the compressed spectral intensities.
Attribute Information:
1. LRS-name: (Suspected format: 5 digits, "+" or "-", 4 digits)
2. LRS-class: integer - The LRS-class values range from 0 - 99 with the 10's digit giving the basic class and the 1's digit giving the subclass. These classes are based on features (peaks, valleys, and trends) of the spectral curves.
3. ID-type: integer
4. Right-Ascension: float - Astronomical longitude. 1h = 15deg
5. Declination: float - Astronomical lattitude. -90 <= Dec <= 90
6. Scale Factor: float - Proportional to source strength
7. Blue base 1: integer - linear rescaling coefficient
8. Blue base 2: integer - linear rescaling coefficient
9. Red base 1: integer - linear rescaling coefficient
10. Red base 2: integer - linear rescaling coefficient
11-54: fluxes from the following 44 blue-band channel wavelengths: (all given as floating point numerals)
- 11. 7.8636
- 12. 8.0485
- 13. 8.2286
- 14. 8.4043
- 15. 8.5758
- 16. 8.7436
- 17. 8.9078
- 18. 9.0686
- 19. 9.2262
- 20. 9.3809
- 21. 9.5328
- 22. 9.6820
- 23. 9.8286
- 24. 9.9728
- 25. 10.1148
- 26. 10.2545
- 27. 10.3922
- 28. 10.5279
- 29. 10.6616
- 30. 10.7935
- 31. 10.9237
- 32. 11.0521
- 33. 11.1790
- 34. 11.3042
- 35. 11.4280
- 36. 11.5503
- 37. 11.6711
- 38. 11.7907
- 39. 11.9089
- 40. 12.0258
- 41. 12.1415
- 42. 12.2560
- 43. 12.3693
- 44. 12.4816
- 45. 12.5927
- 46. 12.7028
- 47. 12.8118
- 48. 12.9199
- 49. 13.0269
- 50. 13.1330
- 51. 13.2382
- 52. 13.3425
- 53. 13.4459
- 54. 13.5485
55-103: fluxes from the following 49 red-band channel wavelengths: (all given as floating point numerals)
- 55. 10.9929
- 56. 11.3704
- 57. 11.7357
- 58. 12.0899
- 59. 12.4339
- 60. 12.7687
- 61. 13.0948
- 62. 13.4131
- 63. 13.7239
- 64. 14.0278
- 65. 14.3252
- 66. 14.6166
- 67. 14.9022
- 68. 15.1825
- 69. 15.4576
- 70. 15.7280
- 71. 15.9937
- 72. 16.2551
- 73. 16.5123
- 74. 16.7656
- 75. 17.0151
- 76. 17.2610
- 77. 17.5034
- 78. 17.7425
- 79. 17.9784
- 80. 18.2113
- 81. 18.4412
- 82. 18.6682
- 83. 18.8925
- 84. 19.1142
- 85. 19.3334
- 86. 19.5500
- 87. 19.7643
- 88. 19.9763
- 89. 20.1861
- 90. 20.3937
- 91. 20.5992
- 92. 20.8026
- 93. 21.0041
- 94. 21.2037
- 95. 21.4014
- 96. 21.5973
- 97. 21.7914
- 98. 21.9838
- 99. 22.1745
- 100. 22.3636
- 101. 22.5511
- 102. 22.7371
- 103. 22.9216
Relevant Papers:
A NASA-Ames research group concerned with unsupervised learning tasks may have used this database during their empirical studies of their algorithm/system (AUTOCLASS II). See the 1988 Machine Learning Conference Proceedings, 54-64, for a description of their algorithm.
Citation Request:
Please refer to the Machine Learning Repository's citation policy
Infra-Red Astronomy Satellite Project Database
John Stutz <STUTZ '@' pluto.arc.nasa.gov>
It's possible that one of John's colleagues actually provided this to UCI, perhaps Mike Marshall (MARSHALL%PLU '@' io.arc.nasa.gov)
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