数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Data Set Information:
All the 504 reviews were collected between January and August of 2015.
Attribute Information:
The dataset contains 504 records and 20 tuned features (as of a€?status = includeda€?, from Table 1 of the article mentioned below),
24 per hotel (two per each month, randomly selected), regarding the year of 2015.
The CSV contains a header, with the names of the columns corresponding to the features marked as a€?status = includeda€?, from Table 1 of the aforementioned article.
Relevant Papers:
Moro, S., Rita, P., & Coelho, J. (2017). Stripping customers' feedback on hotels through data mining: The case of Las Vegas Strip. Tourism Management Perspectives, 23, 41-52.
Citation Request:
If you intend to use this dataset on your research, please cite the following work:
Moro, S., Rita, P., & Coelho, J. (2017). Stripping customers' feedback on hotels through data mining: The case of Las Vegas Strip. Tourism Management Perspectives, 23, 41-52.
S.Moro, P.Rita, J.Coelho (ISCTE-IUL)
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