数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
This file is part of APS Failure and Operational Data for Scania Trucks.
Attribute Information:
The attribute names of the data have been anonymized for
proprietary reasons. It consists of both single numerical
counters and histograms consisting of bins with different
conditions. Typically the histograms have open-ended
conditions at each end. For example if we measuring
the ambient temperature 'T' then the histogram could
be defined with 4 bins where:
bin 1 collect values for temperature T < -20
bin 2 collect values for temperature T >= -20 and T < 0
bin 3 collect values for temperature T >= 0 and T < 20
bin 4 collect values for temperature T > 20
| b1 | b2 | b3 | b4 |
-20 0 20
The attributes are as follows: class, then
anonymized operational data. The operational data have
an identifier and a bin id, like 'Identifier_Bin'.
In total there are 171 attributes, of which 7 are
histogram variabels. Missing values are denoted by 'na'.
Relevant Papers:
Industrial Challenge 2016 at The 15th International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA)
-- Results:
The top three contestants | Score | Number of Type 1 faults | Number of Type 2 faults
Camila F. Costa and Mario A. Nascimento | 9920 | 542 | 9
Christopher Gondek, Daniel Hafner and Oliver R. Sampson | 10900 | 490 | 12
Sumeet Garnaik, Sushovan Das, Rama Syamala Sreepada and Bidyut Kr. Patra | 11480 | 398 | 15
Citation Request:
If you have no special citation requests, please leave this field blank.
-- Creator: Scania CV AB
Vagnmakarv?¤gen 1
151 32 S??dert?¤lje
-- Donor: Tony Lindgren (tony '@' dsv.su.se) and Jonas Biteus (jonas.biteus '@' scania.com)
-- Date: September, 2016
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