数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Data Set Information:
The dataset contains 36733 instances of 11 sensor measures aggregated over one hour (by means of average or sum) from a gas turbine located in Turkey's north western region for the purpose of studying flue gas emissions, namely CO and NOx (NO + NO2). The data comes from the same power plant as the dataset ([Web link]) used for predicting hourly net energy yield. By contrast, this data is collected in another data range (01.01.2011 - 31.12.2015), includes gas turbine parameters (such as Turbine Inlet Temperature and Compressor Discharge pressure) in addition to the ambient variables. Note that the dates are not given in the instances but the data are sorted in chronological order. See the attribute information and relevant paper for details. Kindly follow the protocol mentioned in the paper (using the first three years' data for training/ cross-validation and the last two for testing) for reproducibility and comparability of works. The dataset can be well used for predicting turbine energy yield (TEY) using ambient variables as features.
Attribute Information:
The explanations of sensor measurements and their brief statistics are given below.
Variable (Abbr.) Unit Min Max Mean
Ambient temperature (AT) C a€“6.23 37.10 17.71
Ambient pressure (AP) mbar 985.85 1036.56 1013.07
Ambient humidity (AH) (%) 24.08 100.20 77.87
Air filter difference pressure (AFDP) mbar 2.09 7.61 3.93
Gas turbine exhaust pressure (GTEP) mbar 17.70 40.72 25.56
Turbine inlet temperature (TIT) C 1000.85 1100.89 1081.43
Turbine after temperature (TAT) C 511.04 550.61 546.16
Compressor discharge pressure (CDP) mbar 9.85 15.16 12.06
Turbine energy yield (TEY) MWH 100.02 179.50 133.51
Carbon monoxide (CO) mg/m3 0.00 44.10 2.37
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) mg/m3 25.90 119.91 65.29
Relevant Papers:
Heysem Kaya, P?±nar T??fekci and Erdin?§ Uzun. 'Predicting CO and NOx emissions from gas turbines: novel data and a benchmark PEMS', Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, vol. 27, 2019, pp. 4783-4796, [Web link]. Weblink: [Web link]
Citation Request:
Heysem Kaya, P?±nar T??fekci and Erdin?§ Uzun. 'Predicting CO and NOx emissions from gas turbines: novel data and a benchmark PEMS', Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, vol. 27, 2019, pp. 4783-4796, [Web link]. Weblink: [Web link]
Heysem Kaya, Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University, 3584 CC, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Email: h.kaya'@' uu.nl
P?±nar T??fekci, ??orlu Faculty of Engineering, Nam?±k Kemal University, TR-59860 ??orlu, Tekirda??, Turkey
Email: ptufekci '@' nku.edu.tr
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