数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Data Set Information:
a) 化学检测平台:
所使用的传感器由Figaro Engineering(TGS 3870-A04的7台)和FIS(SB-500-12的7台)商用。
MOX读出电路由带有1 MOhm负载电阻的分压器组成,在5V电压下供电。
使用安捷伦HP34970A/34901A DAQ以3.5 Hz的频率对传感器的输出电压进行采样,该DAQ配置为15位精度,输入阻抗大于10戈姆。
b) 动态混合气体发生器
通过管道系统和质量流量控制器(MFC),将CO和潮湿合成空气的动态混合物从气瓶中的高纯度气体输送至小型聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)试验箱(内部容积250 cm3)。
所选MFC(EL-FLOW Select,Bronkhorst)干、湿气流的满标度流速为1000 mln/min,CO通道的满标度流速为3 mln/min。
CO瓶含有1600 ppm的CO,在含21±1%O2的合成空气中稀释。
c) 温度/湿度值
温度/湿度传感器(Sensirion提供的SHT75)提供试验箱内的参考湿度和温度值,每5 s的公差分别低于1.8%r.h.和0.5°C。
d) 实验方案:
每个实验包括100次测量:10个实验浓度均匀分布在0-20 ppm范围内,每个浓度重复10次。
在每次实验开始时,使用流速为240 mln/min的合成空气流清洁气室15 min。
之后,以240 mln/min的恒定流速随机释放气体混合物,每次释放15 min。
单个实验持续25小时(100个样本x 15分钟/样本),在17天的自然周期内,在13个工作日内重复进行。
Attribute Information:
The dataset is presented in 13 text files, where each file corresponds to a different measurement day. The filenames indicate the timestamp (yyyymmdd_HHMMSS) of the start of the measurements.
Each file includes the acquired time series, presented in 20 columns: Time (s), CO concentration (ppm), Humidity (%r.h.), Temperature (?oC), Flow rate (mL/min), Heater voltage (V), and the resistance of the 14 gas sensors: R1 (MOhm),R2 (MOhm),R3 (MOhm),R4 (MOhm),R5 (MOhm),R6 (MOhm),R7 (MOhm),R8 (MOhm),R9 (MOhm),R10 (MOhm),R11 (MOhm),R12 (MOhm),R13 (MOhm),R14 (MOhm)
Resistance values R1-R7 correspond to FIGARO TGS 3870 A-04 sensors, whereas R8-R14 correspond to FIS SB-500-12 units.
The time series are sampled at 3.5 Hz.
Relevant Papers:
The description of the experimental setup and chemical detection platform can be found in [1-2]. The dataset has been used also in [3].
[1] Burgu??s, Javier, Juan Manuel Jim??nez-Soto, and Santiago Marco. 'Estimation of the limit of detection in semiconductor gas sensors through linearized calibration models.' Analytica chimica acta 1013 (2018): 13-25.
[2] Burgu??s, Javier, and Santiago Marco. 'Multivariate estimation of the limit of detection by orthogonal partial least squares in temperature-modulated MOX sensors.' Analytica chimica acta 1019 (2018): 49-64.
[3] Fernandez, Luis, Jia Yan, Jordi Fonollosa, Javier Burgu??s, Agustin Gutierrez, and Santiago Marco. 'A practical method to estimate the resolving power of a chemical sensor array: application to feature selection.' Frontiers in chemistry 6 (2018).
references to papers that have cited this data set in the past (if any).
Citation Request:
The following citations are requested if you use the dataset:
Burgu??s, Javier, Juan Manuel Jim??nez-Soto, and Santiago Marco. 'Estimation of the limit of detection in semiconductor gas sensors through linearized calibration models.' Analytica chimica acta 1013 (2018): 13-25
Burgu??s, Javier, and Santiago Marco. 'Multivariate estimation of the limit of detection by orthogonal partial least squares in temperature-modulated MOX sensors.' Analytica chimica acta 1019 (2018): 49-64.
Javier Burgu??s (jburgues8 '@'ibecbarcelona.eu, jburgues8 '@'gmail.com)
Institute of Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC)
Baldiri Reixac 10-12
Barcelona, Spain
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