数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Data Set Information:
- The leaves were placed on a white background and then photographed.
- The pictures were taken in broad daylight to ensure optimum light intensity.
Attribute Information:
List of plant species:
1. Beaumier du perou
2. Eggplant
3. Fruitcitere
4. Guava
5. Hibiscus
6. Betel
7. Rose
8. Chrysanthemum
9. Ficus
10. Duranta gold
11. Ashanti blood
12. Bitter Orange
13. Coeur Demoiselle
14. Jackfruit
15. Mulberry Leaf
16. Pimento
17. Pomme Jacquot
18. Star Apple
19. Barbados Cherry
20. Sweet Olive
21. Croton
22. Thevetia
23. Vieux Garcon
24. Chocolate tree
25. Carricature plant
26. Coffee
27. Ketembilla
28. Chinese guava
29. Lychee
30. Geranium
31. Sweet potato
32. Papaya
Relevant Papers:
Munisami, T., Ramsurn, M., Kishnah, S. and Pudaruth, S., 2015. Plant leaf recognition using shape features and colour histogram with k-nearest neighbour classifiers. Procedia Computer Science (Elsevier) Journal. 58, pp. 740-747.
Citation Request:
Munisami, T., Ramsurn, M., Kishnah, S. and Pudaruth, S., 2015. Plant leaf recognition using shape features and colour histogram with k-nearest neighbour classifiers. Procedia Computer Science (Elsevier) Journal. 58, pp. 740-747.
The leaves were taken from plants in the farm of the University of Mauritius and nearby locations.
Trishen Munisami
trishen.munisami '@' gmail.com
Mahess Ramsurn
ramsurn.mahess '@' umail.uom.ac.mu
Somveer Kishnah
s.kishnah '@' uom.ac.mu
Sameerchand Pudaruth
sameerchand.pudaruth '@' gmail.com
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