数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Data Set Information:
1. Protocol:
Three male and one female subjects (age 25 to 30), who have experienced aggression in scenarios
such as physical fighting, took part in the experiment. Throughout 20 individual experiments,
each subject had to perform ten normal and ten aggressive activities. Regarding the rights of the
subjects involved, ethical regulations and safety precaution have been followed based on the code
of ethics of the British psychological society. The regulations explain the ethical legislations
to be applied when experiments with human subjects are conducted. According to the experimental
setup and the precautions taken, the ultimate risk of injuries was minimal. The subjects were aware
that since their involvement in this series of experiments was voluntary, it was made clear that
they could withdraw at any time from the study.
2. Instrumentation:
The Essex robotic arena was the main experimental hall where the data collection took place.
With area 4x5.5m, the subjects expressed aggressive physical activities at random locations. A
professional kick-boxing standing bag has been used, 1.75m tall, with a human figure drawn on
its body. The subjectsa€? performance has been recorded by the Delsys EMG apparatus, interfacing
human activity with myoelectrical contractions. based on this context, the data acquisition process
involved eight skin-surface electrodes placed on the upper arms (biceps and triceps), and upper legs
(thighs and hamstrings).
3. Data Setup:
The overall number of electrodes is 8, which corresponds to 8 input time series one for a muscle
channel (ch1-8). Each time series contains ~10000 samples (~15 actions per experimental session
for each subject).
Attribute Information:
Each file in the dataset contains in overall 8 columns, and is organised as follows:
| Segment | R-Arm | L-Arm | R-Leg | L-Leg |
| Channel | ch1 | ch2 | ch3 | ch4 | ch5 | ch6 | ch7 | ch8 |
| Muscle | R-Bic | R-Tri | L-Bic | L-Tri | R-Thi | R-Ham | L-Thi | L-Ham |
| Column | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Segment: A segment defines a body segment or limb.
- Right arm (R-Arm)
- Left arm (L-Arm)
- Right leg (R-Leg)
- Left leg (L-Leg)
Channel: A channel corresponds to an electrode attached on a muscle.
Muscle: A pair of muscles that corresponds to a segment.
- R-Bic: right bicep (C1)
- R-Tri: right tricep (C2)
- L-Bic: left bicep (C3)
- L-Tri: left tricep (C4)
- R-Thi: right thigh (C5)
- R-Ham: right hamstring (C6)
- L-Thi: left thigh (C7)
- L-Ham: left hamstring (C8)
Relevant Papers:
Citation Request:
Please refer to the Machine Learning Repository's citation policy
Theo Theodoridis
School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering
University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, CO4 3SQ, UK
ttheod '@' gmail.com
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