数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Data Set Information:
Training data vs Test data:
In (Brown, Pelosi & Dirska, 2013) we used quarter 1 (Jan-Mar) data for training and quarter 2 (Apr-Jun) data for testing.
Interesting data points:
If you use quarter 2 data for testing, you will notice something interesting in the week ending 5/27/2011 every Dow Jones Index stock lost money.
Attribute Information:
quarter: the yearly quarter (1 = Jan-Mar; 2 = Apr=Jun).
stock: the stock symbol (see above)
date: the last business day of the work (this is typically a Friday)
open: the price of the stock at the beginning of the week
high: the highest price of the stock during the week
low: the lowest price of the stock during the week
close: the price of the stock at the end of the week
volume: the number of shares of stock that traded hands in the week
percent_change_price: the percentage change in price throughout the week
percent_chagne_volume_over_last_wek: the percentage change in the number of shares of
stock that traded hands for this week compared to the previous week
previous_weeks_volume: the number of shares of stock that traded hands in the previous week
next_weeks_open: the opening price of the stock in the following week
next_weeks_close: the closing price of the stock in the following week
percent_change_next_weeks_price: the percentage change in price of the stock in the
following week days_to_next_dividend: the number of days until the next dividend
percent_return_next_dividend: the percentage of return on the next dividend
Relevant Papers:
Brown, M. S., Pelosi, M. & Dirska, H. (2013). Dynamic-radius Species-conserving Genetic Algorithm for
the Financial Forecasting of Dow Jones Index Stocks. Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern
Recognition, 7988, 27-41.
Citation Request:
We request that you provide a citation to this paper when using the dataset. We welcome you to
compare your results against ours in (Brown, Pelosi & Dirska, 2013).
Dr. Michael Brown, michael.brown '@' umuc.edu, University of Maryland University College
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