数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
I collected 64 e-mails from DBWorld newsletter and I used them to train different algorithms in order to classify between 'announces of conferences' and 'everything else'. I used a binary bag-of-words representation with a stopword removal pre-processing task before.
Attribute Information:
Each attribute corresponds to a precise word or stem in the entire data set vocabulary (I used bag-of-words representation).
Relevant Papers:
Michele Filannino, 'DBWorld e-mail classification using a very small corpus', Project of Machine Learning course, University of Manchester, 2011. [Web link]
Citation Request:
Thanks to ACM-SIGMOD for its useful service! :)
Michele Filannino, PhD
University of Manchester
Centre for Doctoral Training
Email: filannim_AT_cs.man.ac.uk
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