数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Prof. D. Petkovic (SFSU) Petkovic '@' sfsu.edu; Prof. Rainer Todtenhoefer (Fulda University, Germany); Prof. Shihong Huang (FAU)
Data Set Information:
The data can be used to try to predict student learning in SE teamwork based on observation of their team activity
**** README FILE from the submitted data ZIP ****
# San Francisco State University
# Software Engineering Team Assessment and Prediction (SETAP) Project
# Machine Learning Training Data File Version 0.7
# ====================================================================
# Copyright 2000-2017 by San Francisco State University, Dragutin
# Petkovic, and Marc Sosnick-Perez.
# -------
# Professor Dragutin Petkovic: petkovic '@' sfsu.edu
# -------
# This data is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-
# NonCommercial 4.0 International license. For more information,
# please see
# [Web link].
# The research that has made this data possible has been funded in
# part by NSF grant NSF-TUES1140172.
# ------------------------
# We are interested in how this data is being used. If you use it in
# a research project, we would like to know how you are using the
# data. Please contact us at petkovic '@' sfsu.edu.
# ======================================
# This archive contains the data collected by the SETAP Project.
# More data about the SETAP project, data collection, and description
# and use of machine learning to analyze the data can be found in the
# following paper:
# D. Petkovic, M. Sosnick-Perez, K. Okada, R. Todtenhoefer, S. Huang,
# N. Miglani, A. Vigil: 'Using the Random Forest Classifier to Assess
# and Predict Student Learning of Software Engineering Teamwork'.
# Frontiers in Education FIE 2016, Erie, PA, 2016
# See DATA DEscriptION below for more information about the data. The
# README file (which you are reading) contains project information
# such as data collection techniques, data organization and field
# naming convention. In addition to the README file, the archive
# contains a number of .csv files. Each of these CSV files contains
# data aggregated by team from the project (see below), paired with
# that team's outcome for either the process or product component of
# the team's evaluation. The files are named using the following
# convention:
# setap[Process|Product]T[1-11].csv
# For example, the file setapProcessT5.csv contains the data for all
# teams for time interval 5, paired with the outcome data for the
# Process component of the team's evaluation.
# Detailed information about the exact format of the .csv file may be
# found in the csv files themselves.
# DATA DEscriptION
# ====================================================================
# The following is a detailed description of the data contained in the
# accompanying files.
# ------------
# The data contained in these files were collected over a period of
# several semesters from students engaged in software engineering
# classes at San Francisco State University (class sections of CSC
# 640, CSC 648 and CSC 848). All students consented to this data
# being shared for research purposes provided no uniquely identifiable
# information was contained in the distributed files. The information
# was collected through various means, with emphasis being placed on
# the collection of objective, quantifiable information. For more
# information on the data collection procedures, please see the paper
# referenced above.
# -------
# The data contained in this file does not contain any information
# which may be individually traced to a particular student who
# participated in the study.
# -------------------------------------------------
# SAMs (Student Activity Measure) are collected for each student team
# member during their participation in a software engineering class.
# Student teams work together on a final class project, and comprise
# 5-6 students. Teams that are made up of students from only one
# school are labeled local teams. Teams made up of students from more
# than one school are labeled global teams. SAMs are collected from:
# weekly timecards, instructor observations, and software engineering
# tool usage logs. SAMs are then aggregated by team and time interval
# (see next section) into TAMs (Team Activity Measure). Outcomes are
# determined at the end of the semester through evaluation of student
# team work in two categories: software engineering process (how well
# the team applied best software engineering practices), and software
# engineering product (the quality of the finished product the team
# produced). Thus for each team, two outcomes are determined, process
# and product, respectively. Outcomes are classified into two class
# grades, A or F. A represents teams that are at or above
# expectations, F represents teams that are below expectations or need
# attention. For more information, please see the paper referenced
# above.
# The SE process and SE product outcomes represent ML training classes
# and are to be considered separately, e.g. one should train ML for SE
# process separately from training for SE product.
# ------------------------------------------
# Data collected continuously throughout the semester are aggregated
# into different time intervals for the semester's project reflecting
# different dynamics of teamwork during the class. Time intervals
# represent time periods in which a milestone was developed by each
# team. A milestone represents a major deliverable point in the class
# for all student teams. The milestones are roughly divided into the
# following topics:
# M1 - high level requirements and specs
# M2 - more detailed requirements and specs
# M3 - first prototype
# M4 - beta release
# M5 - final delivery
# Time intervals are combinations of the time in which milestones are
# being produced. Time intervals are used in research only.
# In addition to time intervals corresponding to milestones, a number
# of time intervals combining multiple T1-T5 time intervals have been
# calculated. This was done to group student activities into design
# vs. implementation phases which have different dynamics.
# These time intervals are defined as follows:
# Time Interval Corresponding Milestone Periods in Class
# ----------------- --------------------------------------------
# 0 Milestone 0
# 1 Milestone 1
# 2 Milestone 2
# 3 Milestone 3
# 4 Milestone 4
# 5 Milestone 5
# 6 Milestone 1 - Milestone 2 inclusive
# 7 Milestone 1 - Milestone 3 inclusive
# 8 Milestone 1 - Milestone 4 inclusive
# 9 Milestone 1 - Milestone 5 inclusive
# 10 Milestone 4 - Milestone 5 inclusive
# 11 Milestone 3 - Milestone 5 inclusive
# ===========================================================
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