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Computer Classification

Data Set Information:数据集是在液压试验台上通过实验获得的。该试验台包括一个主要工作和二次冷却过滤回路,通过油箱[1]、[2]......

数据结构 ? 73.1M

    Data Structure ?

    * 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。

    Data Set Information:


    Attribute Information:

    The data set was experimentally obtained with a hydraulic test rig. This test rig consists of a primary working and a secondary cooling-filtration circuit which are connected via the oil tank [1], [2]. The system cyclically repeats constant load cycles (duration 60 seconds) and measures process values such as pressures, volume flows and temperatures while the condition of four hydraulic components (cooler, valve, pump and accumulator) is quantitatively varied.

    Attribute Information:
    The data set contains raw process sensor data (i.e. without feature extraction) which are structured as matrices (tab-delimited) with the rows representing the cycles and the columns the data points within a cycle. The sensors involved are:
    Sensor Physical quantity Unit Sampling rate
    PS1 Pressure bar 100 Hz
    PS2 Pressure bar 100 Hz
    PS3 Pressure bar 100 Hz
    PS4 Pressure bar 100 Hz
    PS5 Pressure bar 100 Hz
    PS6 Pressure bar 100 Hz
    EPS1 Motor power W 100 Hz
    FS1 Volume flow l/min 10 Hz
    FS2 Volume flow l/min 10 Hz
    TS1 Temperature ?°C 1 Hz
    TS2 Temperature ?°C 1 Hz
    TS3 Temperature ?°C 1 Hz
    TS4 Temperature ?°C 1 Hz
    VS1 Vibration mm/s 1 Hz
    CE Cooling efficiency (virtual) % 1 Hz
    CP Cooling power (virtual) kW 1 Hz
    SE Efficiency factor % 1 Hz

    The target condition values are cycle-wise annotated in a€?profile.txta€? (tab-delimited). As before, the row number represents the cycle number. The columns are

    1: Cooler condition / %:
    3: close to total failure
    20: reduced effifiency
    100: full efficiency

    2: Valve condition / %:
    100: optimal switching behavior
    90: small lag
    80: severe lag
    73: close to total failure

    3: Internal pump leakage:
    0: no leakage
    1: weak leakage
    2: severe leakage

    4: Hydraulic accumulator / bar:
    130: optimal pressure
    115: slightly reduced pressure
    100: severely reduced pressure
    90: close to total failure

    5: stable flag:
    0: conditions were stable
    1: static conditions might not have been reached yet

    Relevant Papers:

    [1] Nikolai Helwig, Eliseo Pignanelli, Andreas Sch??tze, a€?Condition Monitoring of a Complex Hydraulic System Using Multivariate Statisticsa€?, in Proc. I2MTC-2015 - 2015 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, paper PPS1-39, Pisa, Italy, May 11-14, 2015, doi: 10.1109/I2MTC.2015.7151267.
    [2] N. Helwig, A. Sch??tze, a€?Detecting and compensating sensor faults in a hydraulic condition monitoring systema€?, in Proc. SENSOR 2015 - 17th International Conference on Sensors and Measurement Technology, oral presentation D8.1, Nuremberg, Germany, May 19-21, 2015, doi: 10.5162/sensor2015/D8.1.
    [3] Tizian Schneider, Nikolai Helwig, Andreas Sch??tze, a€?Automatic feature extraction and selection for classification of cyclical time series dataa€?, tm - Technisches Messen (2017), 84(3), 198a€“206, doi: 10.1515/teme-2016-0072.

    Citation Request:

    Nikolai Helwig, Eliseo Pignanelli, Andreas Sch??tze, a€?Condition Monitoring of a Complex Hydraulic System Using Multivariate Statisticsa€?, in Proc. I2MTC-2015 - 2015 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, paper PPS1-39, Pisa, Italy, May 11-14, 2015, doi: 10.1109/I2MTC.2015.7151267.

    Creator: ZeMA gGmbH, Eschberger Weg 46, 66121 Saarbr??cken
    Contact: t.schneider '@', s.klein '@', m.bastuck '@', info '@'




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