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Social Regression

Data Set Information:源数据集需要通过编程进行组合。包括许多变量,以便可以测试选择或学习属性权重的算法。然而,明显不相关......

数据结构 ? 1.5M

    Data Structure ?

    * 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。

    Data Set Information:






    Attribute Information:

    (125 predictive, 4 non-predictive, 18 potential goal)
     -- communityname: Community name - not predictive - for information only (string)
     -- state: US state (by 2 letter postal abbreviation)(nominal)
     -- countyCode: numeric code for county - not predictive, and many missing values (numeric)
     -- communityCode: numeric code for community - not predictive and many missing values (numeric)
     -- fold: fold number for non-random 10 fold cross validation, potentially useful for debugging, paired tests - not predictive (numeric - integer)

     -- population: population for community: (numeric - expected to be integer)
     -- householdsize: mean people per household (numeric - decimal)
     -- racepctblack: percentage of population that is african american (numeric - decimal)
     -- racePctWhite: percentage of population that is caucasian (numeric - decimal)
     -- racePctAsian: percentage of population that is of asian heritage (numeric - decimal)
     -- racePctHisp: percentage of population that is of hispanic heritage (numeric - decimal)
     -- agePct12t21: percentage of population that is 12-21 in age (numeric - decimal)
     -- agePct12t29: percentage of population that is 12-29 in age (numeric - decimal)
     -- agePct16t24: percentage of population that is 16-24 in age (numeric - decimal)
     -- agePct65up: percentage of population that is 65 and over in age (numeric - decimal)
     -- numbUrban: number of people living in areas classified as urban (numeric - expected to be integer)
     -- pctUrban: percentage of people living in areas classified as urban (numeric - decimal)
     -- medIncome: median household income (numeric - may be integer)
     -- pctWWage: percentage of households with wage or salary income in 1989 (numeric - decimal)
     -- pctWFarmSelf: percentage of households with farm or self employment income in 1989 (numeric - decimal)
     -- pctWInvInc: percentage of households with investment / rent income in 1989 (numeric - decimal)
     -- pctWSocSec: percentage of households with social security income in 1989 (numeric - decimal)
     -- pctWPubAsst: percentage of households with public assistance income in 1989 (numeric - decimal)
     -- pctWRetire: percentage of households with retirement income in 1989 (numeric - decimal)
     -- medFamInc: median family income (differs from household income for non-family households) (numeric - may be integer)
     -- perCapInc: per capita income (numeric - decimal)
     -- whitePerCap: per capita income for caucasians (numeric - decimal)
     -- blackPerCap: per capita income for african americans (numeric - decimal)
     -- indianPerCap: per capita income for native americans (numeric - decimal)
     -- AsianPerCap: per capita income for people with asian heritage (numeric - decimal)
     -- OtherPerCap: per capita income for people with 'other' heritage (numeric - decimal)
     -- HispPerCap: per capita income for people with hispanic heritage (numeric - decimal)
     -- NumUnderPov: number of people under the poverty level (numeric - expected to be integer)
     -- PctPopUnderPov: percentage of people under the poverty level (numeric - decimal)
     -- PctLess9thGrade: percentage of people 25 and over with less than a 9th grade education (numeric - decimal)
     -- PctNotHSGrad: percentage of people 25 and over that are not high school graduates (numeric - decimal)
     -- PctBSorMore: percentage of people 25 and over with a bachelors degree or higher education (numeric - decimal)
     -- PctUnemployed: percentage of people 16 and over, in the labor force, and unemployed (numeric - decimal)
     -- PctEmploy: percentage of people 16 and over who are employed (numeric - decimal)
     -- PctEmplManu: percentage of people 16 and over who are employed in manufacturing (numeric - decimal)
     -- PctEmplProfServ: percentage of people 16 and over who are employed in professional services (numeric - decimal)
     -- PctOccupManu: percentage of people 16 and over who are employed in manufacturing (numeric - decimal)   #### No longer sure of difference from PctEmplManu - may include unemployed manufacturing workers ####
     -- PctOccupMgmtProf: percentage of people 16 and over who are employed in management or professional occupations (numeric - decimal)
     -- MalePctDivorce: percentage of males who are divorced (numeric - decimal)
     -- MalePctNevMarr: percentage of males who have never married (numeric - decimal)
     -- FemalePctDiv: percentage of females who are divorced (numeric - decimal)
     -- TotalPctD

    -- Creator: Michael Redmond (redmond 'at'; Computer Science; La Salle University; Philadelphia, PA, 19141, USA
       -- culled from 1990 US Census, 1995 US FBI Uniform Crime Report, 1990 US Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics Survey, available from ICPSR at U of Michigan.
     -- Donor: Michael Redmond (redmond 'at'; Computer Science; La Salle University; Philadelphia, PA, 19141, USA




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