数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Data Set Information:
Attribute Information:
In the data set there are 857 attributes, 1 attributes with the class of instance and 856 with word frequency:
1. category: range 1 - 9 (integer)
2 - 857. word frequency: (integer)
Relevant Papers:
Patrick Marques Ciarelli, Elias Oliveira, 'Agglomeration and Elimination of Terms for Dimensionality Reduction',
Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, pp.547-552, 2009
Patrick Marques Ciarelli, Elias Oliveira, Evandro O. T. Salles, 'An Evolving System based on Probabilistic Neural Network',
Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Neural Network, 2010
Citation Request:
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Patrick Marques Ciarelli, pciarelli '@' lcad.inf.ufes.br, Department of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Espirito Santo
Elias Oliveira, elias '@' lcad.inf.ufes.br, Department of Information Science, Federal University of Espirito Santo
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