数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Data Set Information:
The dataset format is described below. Note: the format of this database was modified on 2/26/90 to conform with the format of all the other databases in the UCI repository of machine learning databases.
Attribute Information:
Classes (2): -- White-can-win ("won") and White-cannot-win ("nowin").
I believe that White is deemed to be unable to win if the Black pawn can safely advance.
Attributes: see Shapiro's book.
Relevant Papers:
Alen D. Shapiro (1983,1987), "Structured Induction in Expert Systems", Addison-Wesley. This book is based on Shapiro's Ph.D. thesis (1983) at the University of Edinburgh entitled "The Role of Structured Induction in Expert Systems".
[Web link]
Stephen Muggleton (1987), "Structuring Knowledge by Asking Questions", pp.218-229 in "Progress in Machine Learning", edited by I. Bratko and Nada Lavrac, Sigma Press, Wilmslow, England SK9 5BB.
[Web link]
Robert C. Holte, Liane Acker, and Bruce W. Porter (1989), "Concept Learning and the Problem of Small Disjuncts", Proceedings of IJCAI. Also available as technical report AI89-106, Computer Sciences Department, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712.
[Web link]
Papers That Cite This Data Set1:
Manuel Oliveira. Library Release Form Name of Author: Stanley Robson de Medeiros Oliveira Title of Thesis: Data Transformation For Privacy-Preserving Data Mining Degree: Doctor of Philosophy Year this Degree Granted. University of Alberta Library. 2005. [View Context].
Marcus Hutter and Marco Zaffalon. Distribution of Mutual Information from Complete and Incomplete Data. CoRR, csLG/0403025. 2004. [View Context].
Ira Cohen and Fabio Gagliardi Cozman and Nicu Sebe and Marcelo Cesar Cirelo and Thomas S. Huang. Semisupervised Learning of Classifiers: Theory, Algorithms, and Their Application to Human-Computer Interaction. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell, 26. 2004. [View Context].
Douglas Burdick and Manuel Calimlim and Jason Flannick and Johannes Gehrke and Tomi Yiu. MAFIA: A Performance Study of Mining Maximal Frequent Itemsets. FIMI. 2003. [View Context].
Russell Greiner and Wei Zhou. Structural Extension to Logistic Regression: Discriminative Parameter Learning of Belief Net Classifiers. AAAI/IAAI. 2002. [View Context].
Tanzeem Choudhury and James M. Rehg and Vladimir Pavlovic and Alex Pentland. Boosting and Structure Learning in Dynamic Bayesian Networks for Audio-Visual Speaker Detection. ICPR (3). 2002. [View Context].
Marco Zaffalon and Marcus Hutter. Robust Feature Selection by Mutual Information Distributions. CoRR, csAI/0206006. 2002. [View Context].
Michael G. Madden. evaluation of the Performance of the Markov Blanket Bayesian Classifier Algorithm. CoRR, csLG/0211003. 2002. [View Context].
James Bailey and Thomas Manoukian and Kotagiri Ramamohanarao. Fast Algorithms for Mining Emerging Patterns. PKDD. 2002. [View Context].
Jie Cheng and Russell Greiner. Learning Bayesian Belief Network Classifiers: Algorithms and System. Canadian Conference on AI. 2001. [View Context].
Boonserm Kijsirikul and Sukree Sinthupinyo and Kongsak Chongkasemwongse. Approximate Match of Rules Using Backpropagation Neural Networks. Machine Learning, 44. 2001. [View Context].
Jinyan Li and Guozhu Dong and Kotagiri Ramamohanarao and Limsoon Wong. DeEPs: A New Instance-based Discovery and Classification System. Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases. 2001. [View Context].
Jinyan Li and Guozhu Dong and Kotagiri Ramamohanarao. Instance-based Classification by Emerging Patterns. PKDD. 2000. [View Context].
Mark A. Hall. Department of Computer Science Hamilton, NewZealand Correlation-based Feature Selection for Machine Learning. Doctor of Philosophy at The University of Waikato. 1999. [View Context].
Yk Huhtala and Juha K?rkk?inen and Pasi Porkka and Hannu Toivonen. Efficient Discovery of Functional and Approximate Dependencies Using Partitions. ICDE. 1998. [View Context].
Adam J. Grove and Dale Schuurmans. Boosting in the Limit: Maximizing the Margin of Learned Ensembles. AAAI/IAAI. 1998. [View Context].
Ron Kohavi. Scaling Up the Accuracy of Naive-Bayes Classifiers: A Decision-Tree Hybrid. KDD. 1996. [<a
Database originally generated and described by Alen Shapiro.
Rob Holte (holte '@' uottawa.bitnet).
The database was supplied to Holte by Peter Clark of the Turing Institute in Glasgow (pete '@' turing.ac.uk).
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