数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Data Set Information:
ID:(int) ,City:(text) Place names(text) Place names(text), Latitude:real Longitude:real
A: Adventure(1 or blank), C: Culture(1 or blank), E: Environmental(1 or blank), H: Health(1 or blank), N: Nature(1 or blank), R: Religious(1 or blank), SP: SPort(1 or blank), SH: SHopping(1 or blank), B: Business(1 or blank), L: leisure(1 or blank)
Attribute Information:
ID:place identification ,City:the city of plcae, Place names(in arabic) Place names(in english), Latitude:Latitude of place Longitude:Longitude of place
type of intrest represented as:A: Adventure, C: Culture, E: Environmental, H: Health, N: Nature, R: Religious, SP: SPort, SH: SHopping, B: Business, L: leisure
Relevant Papers:
1-Amjad, Rula, and Muayad Sadik Croock. 'Dominated destinations of tourist inside iraq using personal information and frequency of travel.' Telkomnika 17.4 (2019).a€?
2- Amjad, Rula, and Muayad Sadik Croock.'A developed GPS trajectories data management system for predicting tourists' POI'Telkomnika 17.4 (2019).Telkomnika 18.1(2020)a€?
Citation Request:
Amjad, Rula, and Muayad Sadik Croock. 'Dominated destinations of tourist inside iraq using personal information and frequency of travel.' Telkomnika 17.4 (2019).a€?
please cite this paper when using the dataset
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