数据结构 ? 811K
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
The "spam" concept is diverse: advertisements for products/web sites, make money fast schemes, chain letters, pornography...
Our collection of spam e-mails came from our postmaster and individuals who had filed spam. Our collection of non-spam e-mails came from filed work and personal e-mails, and hence the word 'george' and the area code '650' are indicators of non-spam. These are useful when constructing a personalized spam filter. One would either have to blind such non-spam indicators or get a very wide collection of non-spam to generate a general purpose spam filter.
For background on spam:
Cranor, Lorrie F., LaMacchia, Brian A. Spam! Communications of the ACM, 41(8):74-83, 1998.
(a) Hewlett-Packard Internal-only Technical Report. External forthcoming. (b) Determine whether a given email is spam or not. (c) ~7% misclassification error. False positives (marking good mail as spam) are very undesirable.If we insist on zero false positives in the training/testing set, 20-25% of the spam passed through the filter.
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