数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
This dataset was created during my PhD (http://www.tdg-seville.info/fogallego/Personal%20Info) at the University of Seville. We didn't found any datasets with labelled conditions so we decided to build one since our main goal for the PhD was to be able to identify conditions without relying on user-defined patterns or requiring any specific-purpose dictionaries, taxonomies, or heuristics.
We presented this dataset in a poster session during Machine Learning Summer School Madrid 2018 (http://mlss.ii.uam.es/mlss2018/posters.html).
The reviews in English and Spanish were randomly gathered from
ciao.com between April 2017 and May 2017. The sentences were classified
into 15 domains according to their sources, namely: adults, baby care,
beauty, books, cameras, computers, films,
headsets, hotels, music, ovens, pets, phones, TV sets, and video games.
Our dataset consist of two files: sentences.csv and conditions.csv. The first one contains the whole set of sentences and the second one the manually labelled conditions.
In order to better understand the meaning of each column, I'll explain them in detail:
sentence_uuid: the unique identifier of the sentence
sentence_text: the text of the sentence
language: the language of the sentence
domain: the domain of the sentence
labelled: whether the sentence was labelled or not
sentence_uuid: the unique identifier of the corresponding labelled sentence
condition_uuid: the unique identifier of the condition
begin_connective: the character position where the connective of the condition starts
end_connective: the character position where the connective of the condition ends
begin_condition: the character position where the rest of the condition starts
end_condition: the character position where the rest of the condition ends
language: the language of the corresponding labelled sentence
domain: the domain of the corresponding labelled sentence
My PhD and this dataset were supported by Opileak.com and the Spanish R&D programme (grants TIN2013-
40848-R and TIN2013-40848-R).
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