数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Wikipedia dumps contain a tremendous amount of markup. WikiMedia Text is a hybrid of markdown and HTML, making it very difficult to use. Wikipedia, however, is an extremely valuable dataset. I wanted a more usable format.
This dataset includes ~40MB JSON files, each of which contains a collection of Wikipedia articles. Each article element in the JSON contains only 3 keys: an ID number, the title of the article, and the text of the article. Each article has been "flattened" to occupy a single plain text string. This makes it easier for humans to read, as opposed to the markup version. It also makes it easier for NLP tasks. You will have much less cleanup to do.
Each file looks like this:
[ { "id": "17279752", "text": "Hawthorne Road was a cricket and football ground in Bootle in England...", "title": "Hawthorne Road" }]
Absolutely all thanks goes to Wikipedia! Everyone who helped build and fund Wikipedia, and everyone who has contributed their time and expertise to the content of Wikipedia
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