数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
There are lots of datasets available for different machine learning tasks like NLP, Computer vision etc. However I couldn't find any dataset which catered to the domain of software testing. This is one area which has lots of potential for application of Machine Learning techniques specially deep-learning.
This was the reason I wanted such a dataset to exist. So, I made one.
New version [28th Nov'20]- Uploaded testing related questions and related details from stack-overflow. These are query results which were collected from stack-overflow by using stack-overflow's query viewer. The result set of this query contained posts which had the words "testing web pages".
New version[27th Nov'20] - Created a csv file containing pairs of test case titles and test case description.
This dataset is very tiny (approximately 200 rows of data). I have collected sample test cases from around the web and created a text file which contains all the test cases that I have collected. This text file has sections and under each section there are numbered rows of test cases.
I would like to thank websites like guru99.com, softwaretestinghelp.com and many other such websites which host great many sample test cases. These were the source for the test cases in this dataset.
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