数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
So it all started when I was looking for Abusive Tamil tweets in the Roman script to use for a project and instead of finding them, I found these.
This dataset did a good job by using 4 labels to describe what the
sentiment of a tweet was and it wasn't what I was looking for.
And here was I, engulfed in the feeling service towards the community to
give back to the people who taught me so many things. I decided not to
sit on this dataset and give back.
So what is, um, Tanglish?
Tanglish is the mixing of the South Indian Language of Tamil and English. Or maybe you could say, Tamil in Roman script even though that would be an understatement. The educated youth in South India communicate using Tanglish.
I once read in a Research Paper that Tamil is a Low-Resource Language which feels absolutely hilarious, trust me it's not. There is enough data out there which can be utilized to solve several problems. Cheers.
If you face any problem with this dataset, DM me on INSTAGRAM or send me a mail at bhatiavyom27@gmail.com
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