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We've all been binge watching during quarantine. My show of choice? *Beat Bobby Flay*, which is an American TV show that pits chefs from all around America and the world against renowned chef Bobby Flay. The structure of each episode is the same.
Round 1: Two chefs must both create a dish using a specified ingredient. A panel of guest judges select which chef will move on to the next round for a shot to beat Bobby Flay.
Round 2: The winning chef from the first round selects a dish the they and Bobby Flay must make. A panel of judges select the winner based off of a blind taste test.
According to wikipedia, Bobby Flay has a roughly 63% win percentage - which is all the more impressive when you realizes his challengers select which dish they both must make! Watching the show, I naturally had some questions, and I thought I'd turn to Kaggle to see if they can be answered.
What type of dish has the best change at beating Bobby Flay? What type of dish has the worst chance at beating Bobby Flay?
Do any of the judges have a bias, despite the blind-taste test component?
Each row is an episode of the television show *Beat Bobby Flay*. The columns are labeled pretty thoroughly, but here is some clarifying information:
guest1, guest2, and guest3 are the guest judges from the first round who get to decide which chef will take on Bobby Flay. This round is NOT a blind taste test. The order of the guest judges has no importance, I believe. Not all episodes have three guest judges, but the most any episode has is three.
judge1, judge2, and judge3 are the judges from the second round who get to decide the winner between Bobby Flay and the winner of the first round. This round is a blind taste test. The order of the judges has no importance, I believe. All episodes have three judges.
contestant1 is the contestant eliminated after round 1.
contestant2 is the contestant that faces off against Bobby Flay in round 2.
ingredients is selected before hand, presumably by the show producers.
dish is selected by contestant2 before they face off against Bobby Flay.
Thank you for whoever has been maintaining the Wikipedia page on Beat Bobby Flay results: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beat_Bobby_Flay#cite_note-1
And thank you to the makers of Beat Bobby Flay as well!
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