数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
a common corpus of TED talks which has been translated into many low-resource languages. Under the Open Translation project, TED talks transcripts are available for more than 2400 talks in 109 languages. A histogram plot of language (represented by its ISO Code) vs total number of talks in the original dataset is visualized in the figure below.
To obtain a parallel corpus for experiments, we preprocessed the dataset using Moses tokenizer and used hard punctuation symbols to identify valid sentence boundaries for English language. In order to create train, dev and test sets, we apply a greedy selection algorithm based on the popularity of the talks and selected disjoint talks for each split. We selected talks which had translations in more than 50 languages. Finally, we selected a list of 60 languages that had sufficient data for performing meaningful experiments. The train, test and dev splits for the most common talks are also shown in the table alongside the above figure.
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