数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
# Context
This is a collection of data scraped from MountainProject.com and Trailspace.com.
# Content
Details about how the data was scraped can be found on my GitHub: https://github.com/pdegner/DL_final_project
There are 5 datasets here:
Route: The name of the route
Location: The location and sub-location of the route
URL: Link to the Mountain Project page about this route
Avg Stars: The average rating of a route
Route Type: Only sport and trad routes were scraped
Rating: How difficult the route is
Pitches: How many pitches the route is
Length: How tall/long the route is
Area Latitude/Longitude: GPS coordinates of the route
desc: Description of the route
protection: What gear is needed to climb the route
num_votes: How many people have voted on the quality of a route
brand: Brand of item being described
model: Model of item being described
rating: The rating that the reviewer gave
rating_text: The description of the item written by the reviewer
Discussion and Review: These are forums on Mountain Project
topic: The main topic of a posting
page\_num: What page of the topic the comment was made on
post\_num: Where on the page is the post
text: Text of the post
join\_date: When the poster joined Mountain Project
post\_date: When the comment was made
num_likes: How many likes the comment received
For a school project, I created a model that analyzed the sentiment of the forums. Details about that model can be found in the GitHub REPO linked above. Overall, it achieved 81.6% accuracy in labeling the forums as positive (2), negative (0), or neutral (1).
topic: The main topic of a posting
page\_num: What page of the topic the comment was made on
post\_num: Where on the page is the post
text: Text of the post
join\_date: When the poster joined Mountain Project
post\_date: When the comment was made
num\_likes: How many likes the comment received
pred\_label: The label my model predicted for a posting
true\_label: I manually labeled ~4000 examples to train and test the model
# Acknowledgements
Big thanks to MountainProject.com for letting me use this information.
# Analysis Ideas
Do climbers that have been members of Mountain Project for a long time prefer a different type of gear than those that are newer?
Has the sentiment of climbing brands or gear changed over time?
Are high-quality routes given harder ratings?
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