数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Attracting talent in today’s hiring climate is more complicated than in past generations. Recruiting is especially tricky for
industries not thought of as technology-oriented, like finance or healthcare. Companies must stay dynamic in their approach, adjusting their focus to not only offer a position but a way of life. You need to present ways to use data provided in reviews to glean information employers can use to address or even change their priorities to meet the demands of an ever-changing job market. In this research, we want to know if company reviews hold any relevant information in recruiting talent.
Indeed.com has categorized reviews by Work-Life Balance, Pay & Benefits, Job Security & Advancement, Management, and Culture. The focus was on obtaining the reviews provided by all employees around the world for the companies we have selected based on the top 10 most popular industries as of 2019(Companies Overview). At the time the data were collected on April, 2020, there were 2587686 reviews that posted between 2011 and 2020 were parsed and downloaded. The data extraction strategy also focused on parsing and collecting other variables about each review (e.g. overall rating, review title, employee position title, employee status(current or former), location, date of review, pros, cons and number of people that found review is useful or not.), which ended up being helpful in the following analysis.
Especial thank to Chris Ballenger, Chad Madding and Ashwin Thota
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