数据结构 ? 2.02M
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Most supervised machine learning tasks assume a dataset with a set of well-defined target label set. But what happens when a trained model meets the real world, where inputs to the trained model might not be from the well-defined target label set? This dataset offers a way to evaluate intent classification models on "out-of-scope" inputs.
"Out-of-scope" inputs are those that do not belong to the set of "in-scope" target labels. You may have heard other ways of referring to out-of-scope, including "out-of-domain" or "out-of-distribution".
- `is_*.json`: these files house the train/val/test sets for the in-scope data. There are 150 in-scope "intents" (aka classes), which include samples such as "what is my balance" (which belongs to the `balance` class).
- `oos_*.json`: these files house the train/val/test sets for the out-of-scope data. There is one out-of-scope intent: `oos`. Note that you don't have to use the `oos_train.json` data. In other words, an ML solution to the out-of-scope problem need not be trained on out-of-scope data, but it might help!
Evaluation Metrics
The task is intent classification, which generalizes to text classification (or categorization). This is a supervised ML problem. We use two metrics to evaluate:
- In-scope accuracy is defined as #(correctly classified in-scope samples) / #(in-scope samples).
- Out-of-scope recall is defined as #(correctly classified out-of-scope samples) / #(out-of-scope samples).
This dataset is from *[An Evaluation Dataset for Intent Classification and Out-of-Scope Prediction](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/D19-1131.pdf)* by Larson et al., which was published in EMNLP in 2019. The GitHub page for this dataset is [linked here](https://github.com/clinc/oos-eval).
Most supervised machine learning tasks assume a dataset with a set of well-defined target label set. But what happens when a trained model meets the real world, where inputs to the trained model might not be from the well-defined target label set? This "out-of-distribution" problem has seen lots of recent development, as researchers and practitioners in both academia and industry are observing that many ML methods struggle on out-of-distribution data in a wide variety of tasks.
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