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Education,Exercise,NLP,Languages Classification

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    Context When we develop a new WSD method, we need to evaluated it with some WSD Evaluation Exercise. Currently, there are few such exercise which are available for evaluating WSD methods. However, we need some skills to use them to evaluate the WSD methods. To make it easy to evaluate the WSD system, this data set is developed. This data set contains 4105 sentences each containing one or more polysemy words. Content The dataset file is an excel file (.xlsx). It have 3 columns- Serial number (SN), Sentence/context column and polysemy word. The useful columns are first and third. The second column contains the sentences (or context). The sentence my contain more polysemy words. However, the third column specify the target word (polyemy word) in the sentence in second column. You can use the sentence to check whether your developed WSD system is able to disambiguate the target word in 3rd column in the corresponding sentence in 2nd column. Procedure to use After you develop your new WSD system, to evaluate it using this data set follow the following steps: 1) Add two columns- named "correct_id" and "calculated_id". The correct_id means the word id of correct sense of the target word in your database and store it at 4th column. You have to manually fill this for all sentences in the test data based. The calculated_id is the word id generated by your WSD system after sense disambiguation of the target word for the provided context sentence and store it in 5th column. 2) Develop a module which upload this excel file and read the sentence (in 2nd column) and the target word (in 3rd column). 3) Provide the sentence as a context and the target word as the polysemy words into your system for disambiguation. 4) After sense disambiguation of the target word, write the calculated_id of the target word in the 5th column. 5) In the 6th column, provide the formula to check whether the correct_id and calculated_id match or not. If they match, write 1 in the corresponding cell in 6th column. Otherwise, write 0. 6) At the end of the 6th column, provide a sum formula to count the number of 1s. 7) Calculate the accuracy of your system using the formula: - ((total number of 1's count)/Total number of test sentences)*100 Source of data set 1) the first 2905 sentences are collected from online dictionaries, web etc. 2) The remaining 1200 sentences are collected from "news" category of Brown corpus. Inspiration This data set provides an easy_to_use WSD evaluation exercise containing 4105 sentences with 320 polysemy word's occurances.



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